Microsoft Word - 101Ways_FINAL.doc

(Marcin) #1

forums and the like. You may also want to hire a writer to create your
blogs, articles, press releases, autoresponder letters and newsletters.

Creating a Lifestyle
If you thought outsourcing was only for big corporations, think
again. The entire scene, in this sense, has drastically changed. In
today’s global marketplace, at the click of a mouse you can find highly
qualified individuals to accomplish a myriad of tasks for you.
Remember, you are not in real estate investing simply to create another
full-time job for yourself. You are looking to create a lifestyle where
your time is your own.
Think about it. The more time you can spend working on
lucrative deals, the more money you will make. The more money you
make the more your business grows and the more you can afford to
outsource the work. Your goal here is to have more time to spend the
way you want to spend it.

Finding Providers
There are many sites online where you can find such
professionals. My three favorites are,
and Here you will post the job or project you want
done. Providers on those sites will bid on the job. You are free to
choose which one you will take. In other words, you are naming your

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