Microsoft Word - 101Ways_FINAL.doc

(Marcin) #1

We can sell the house on a Rent to Own agreement. If so, you
would then want to educate your prospect on what they need to do to
qualify for a rent-to-own deal. This instruction could be broken up into
multiple videos. I would try to keep each video under five minutes since
most people who browse the Internet have a short attention span, and
little patience. They want to grab the information and move on.

How To Begin
You might begin with Video 1, which would be the welcome
video and would simply explain the whole concept of rent-to-own plans
and how they can be set up. At the close you will tell them to watch
Video #2. Be sure to tell your visitor to go to your site and opt in for
more videos. For instance you might say, “If you like this video get on
over to [insert your Squeeze Page URL here] where you’ll find even
more high-quality teaching videos.”
Believe me when I say that people enjoy these kinds of training
videos. They are getting to know you, they are learning new
information, and they feel you have now given them a gift of
considerable value.
Let’s look at another example. Say you have a property for sale.
Drive up to this property with a little iFlip in hand. You can say
something like:

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