Microsoft Word - 101Ways_FINAL.doc

(Marcin) #1
Ten Tips for Television Advertising

  1. Television is inexpensive. The cost to run commercials is no more
    than $20 during prime-time in most markets in the United States. The
    cost to produce a commercial should run you no more than $1000. You
    no longer need some big-name star to endorse what you have to offer.
    Remember, you're after sales, not an Emmy.

  2. Television is a visual medium. Don't think of it as a radio spot with
    pictures. Think of it as a visual story with a beginning, a middle, and an
    end. Because over 70% of us mute the commercials with our remotes, if
    you're not giving your story and your name visually, you're not telling
    your story or saying your name at all.

  3. Television is powered by an idea. Forget the special effects, music,
    staging and lighting. First think of the idea. That's what makes a
    commercial successful—a strong offer, a visual expression of a good
    idea. Once you have the idea, everything else will fall into place.
    Without the idea, your commercial has hardly any chance of success.

  4. Television is made fascinating by special effects. Many people get
    carried away at their opportunities to be like Steven Spielberg and fall
    prey to gizmos and gimmicks. Use special effects to highlight your idea,

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