Microsoft Word - 101Ways_FINAL.doc

(Marcin) #1

to focus on your idea, to further your idea and then you'll see why
they're so special. Otherwise, they act like vampires, sucking attention
away from your offer with their dazzle.

  1. Television doesn't cost as little as you think. There I was telling
    you right off the bat that TV is inexpensive, and here I am, one minute
    later, telling you that it's not so inexpensive. It’s true that the spots are
    inexpensive. It’s also true that the production can be inexpensive. But
    you've got to run several spots every day, several days a week, three
    weeks out of four, and for a minimum of three months—unless you're
    making a direct response offer—before you see any glimmerings of
    proof that TV is doing the job for you. If you're looking for instant
    gratification, look somewhere other than the tube.

  2. Television is made better if you operate from a script. You need
    not waste your precious money having somebody produce a storyboard
    for you because you don't need one. But you do need a script that tells
    the exact visuals and the exact sounds that will go on for 30 seconds.

  3. Television production costs are lower if when you pre-produce
    with care. The way to cut thousands of dollars from your TV
    production costs is by have pre-production meetings where all
    production details are handled. These are followed by rehearsals for the

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