Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt

(Frankie) #1

queen’s titles The queens of Egypt of primary rank
were called “the Great Wife.” If they were able to bear
the pharaoh’s heirs, they received the additional title of
“Mother of the King” and wore the VULTUREheaddress
of NEKHEBET, the goddess protector of Upper Egypt.
Other titles bestowed upon them were “Mistress of the
Two Lands,” “Mistress of Upper and Lower Egypt,” “For
whom the Sun Rises,” and “Great of Favors.”
The title of “the GOD’S WIFE OF AMUN” began in the
reign of ’AHMOSE(1550–1525 B.C.E.), founder of the New
Kingdom, when Queen ’AHMOSE NEFERTARIreceived that
rank in exchange for privileges offered to her. The role,
also called the Divine Adoratrices of Amun in some eras,
evolved over the centuries into a religious office of con-
siderable power.

Quernet Murai A necropolis site on the eastern hill of
DEIR EL-MEDINAon the western shore of the Nile. Tombs

from the Eighteenth Dynasty (1550–1307 B.C.E.) and the
Ramessid Period (1307–1070 B.C.E.) were excavated


Qus (Gesa, Apollinopolis Parva) A site north of
THEBES, on the western bank of the Nile, involved in the
vast trade expeditions of Egypt. The Egyptians called the
site Gesa, and the Greeks named it Apollinopolis Parva.
Qus served as departure point for expeditions to the WADI
HAMMAMATand the Red Sea. Two PYLONSfrom the Ptole-
maic Period (304–30 B.C.E.) dedicated to Haroeris and
HEKETremain there.

332 queen’s titles

QUEENS OF EGYPT (continued)

Takhat consort of Psammetichus II, mother of APRIES
Takheredeneset mother of AMASIS
Khedebneitheret consort of Amasis
Ladice consort of Amasis, mother of Psammetichus III
Nakhsebasteru consort of Amasis

Twenty-seventh Dynasty

Amytis mother of CAMBYSES
Atossa consort of Cambyses
Artystone consort of DARIUS I
Amestris consort of XERXES, mother of ARTAXERXES I
Parasites consort of DARIUS II

Thirtieth Dynasty

Ptolemais (1) consort of NECTANEBO, possible mother of TEOS
Udjashu consort of Nectanebo

Ptolemaic Dynasty

Arsinoe mother of PTOLEMY I
Berenice consort of Ptolemy I, mother of PTOLEMY II
Eurydice consort of Ptolemy II
Arsinoe consort of Ptolemy II, mother of PTOLEMY III
Arsinoe consort of Ptolemy III
Berenice mother of PTOLEMY IV
Arsinoe consort of Ptolemy IV, mother of PTOLEMY V
Cleopatra consort of Ptolemy V, mother of PTOLEMY VI AND VIII
Cleopatra consort of Ptolemy VI, mother of PTOLEMY VII
Cleopatra consort of Ptolemy VII
Cleopatra consort of Ptolemy VIII, mother of PTOLEMY IX, X
Cleopatra consort of Ptolemy IX
Cleopatra Selene consort of Ptolemy IX
Cleopatra consort of Ptolemy IX
Berenice consort of Ptolemy X
Cleopatra Berenice consort of PTOLEMY XI
Cleopatra Tryphaina consort of Ptolemy XI, mother of PTOLEMY XIII, XIV, Cleopatra VII
Cleopatra VII consort of Ptolemy XIII, XIV, mother of PTOLEMY XVCaesarion

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