Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt

(Frankie) #1

Twentieth Dynasty

Tiye-Mereniset consort of SETHNAKHTE, mother of RAMESSES III
Iset consort of Ramesses III, mother of RAMESSES IV, VI, VIII
Titi consort of Ramesses III
Tiye consort of Ramesses III
Isetnofret consort of Ramesses IV
Tentopet consort of Ramesses IV, mother of RAMESSES V
Nubkheshed (1) consort of Ramesses V
Nubkheshed (2) consort of RAMESSES VI, mother of RAMESSES VII
Iset consort of Ramesses VII
Isetnofret consort of RAMESSES VIII
Takhat mother of RAMESSES IX
Baketwerel consort of Ramesses IX, mother of RAMESSES X
Tiye consort of Ramesses X, mother of RAMESSES XI
Tantamun (1) consort of Ramesses XI

Twenty-first Dynasty

Tantamun (2) consort of SMENDES, mother of PSUSENNES I?
Henuttawy mother of Psusennes I?
Mutnodjmet (2) consort of Psusennes I, mother of AMENENOPESiamun
Ta’apenes consort of PSUSENNES II
Wiay consort of Psusennes II
Mekhtemweskhet mother of OSOCHOR
Istemkhebe mother of Psusennes II
Istemkhebe consort of Psusennes II
Ma’atkaré consort of Psusennes II

Twenty-second Dynasty

Karomana (1) consort of SHOSHENQ I
Ma’atkaré consort of Shoshenq I, mother of OSORKON I
Penreshnas consort of Shoshenq I
Karomana (2) consort of Osorkon I
Ma’atkaré consort of Osorkon I, mother of TAKELOT Iand SHOSHENQ II
Tasedkhonsu consort of Osorkon I
Kapes consort of Takelot I, mother of OSORKON II
Nesitanebetashru (1) consort of Shoshenq II
Karomana (3) consort of Shoshenq II
Djedmutesankh consort of OSORKON II
Karomana (4) consort of Osorkon II, mother of SHOSHENQ III; TAKELOT II
Karomana (5) consort of Takelot II, mother of OSORKON III
Tentamopet consort of Shoshenq III, mother of SHOSHENQ V
Karomana (6) consort of SHOSHENQ IV, mother of OSORKON IV

Twenty-third Dynasty

Karaotjet consort of Osorkon III, mother of TAKELOT III, RUDAMON, and PEFTJAU’ABAST
Tentsai consort of Osorkon III
Irbast’udjefru consort of Peftjau’abast

Twenty-fifth Dynasty

Pebatma consort of KASHTA, mother of PIANKHI
Abar consort of Piankhi, mother of TAHARQA
Tabiry consort of Piankhi, mother of Shabaka
Pekassater consort of Piankhi, mother of SHEBITKU
Amenirdis consort of Shebitku
Amun-dyek’het consort of Taharqa

Twenty-sixth Dynasty

Mekhtemweskhet consort of PSAMMETICHUS I, mother of NECHO II
Mekhtemweskhet consort of Necho, mother of PSAMMETICHUS II
Mekhtemweskhet mother of Osochor, SIAMUNand SHOSHENQ I

queens 331
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