Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt

(Frankie) #1

Lake of Flowers 209
Lily Lake 214
Mansion of Isden 226
paradise 296
Pay Lands 297
Persea Tree 301,301–302
Pillars of Shu 307
“Primeval Island of
Trampling” 311
“Primeval Mound” 311
Pure Mound 319
Reed Fields 341
River of Heaven 346
Sekhet-A’aru 360
Tree of Heaven 412
waret 429
mystical vessels
Amun’s Bark 35–36, 65
barks of the gods 65
Mandet 225
Mekhenet 235
Meseket 242
Sokar Boat 385
solar boat 385
spirit boat 188
sun boat 390
mythical animals Seeanimals,
mythological texts
Contending of Ré and Set 87
Nagada 260
Nakare-Aba 260
Nakhsebasteru 260
Nakht (1) (fl. 19th centuryB.C.E.)
Nakht (2) (fl. 15th centuryB.C.E.)
Nakhthoreb 261
Nakhtmin (1) (fl. 14th century
B.C.E.) 261
Nakhtmin (2) (fl. 13th century
B.C.E.) 261
names 261
Nanefer-ka-Ptah 261
Napata 262
Narmer 262
Narmer macehead 262
Narmer palette 262
Narmouthis 262
natron 262
Natron Lakes 263
natural resources 127–130,128,
129 m
agate 9
amethyst 34
carnelian 80
electrum 130
faience 135
Naukratis 263
Nauri Decree 263
neb(1) (symbol) 263
neb(2) (hieroglyph) 263
Nebamun (1) (Theban police offi-
cial) 263
Nebamun (2) (royal court sculp-
tor) 263

Nebamun (3) (royal vizier) 263
Nebemakhet 263
Nebenteru 263–264
Nebertcher 264
Neberu 264
Nebet 264
Nebetku 264
Nebetu’u (1) (goddess) 264
Nebetu’u (2) (fl. 15th century
B.C.E.) 264
Nebireyeraw 264
Nebka 264
Nebseni Papyrus 264
Nebt 264
Nebt-Tawy (1) (consort of
Ramesses II) 265
Nebt-Tawy (2) (daughter of
Ramesses II) 265
Nebuchadnezzer 265
Nebusemekh 265
Nebwawi 265
Nebwenef 265
Nebyet 265
Necho I 265
Necho II 265–266
Necho II, Canal of 79
Nectanebo I 266
Nectanebo II 266
Nefat 266
Nefer(1) (hieroglyph) 266
Nefer(2) (amulet) 266
Neferefré 266
Neferhent (1) (consort of
Senwosret II) 266–267
Neferhent (2) (consort of
Senwosret III) 267
Neferhetepes (1) (daughter of
Ra’djedef) 267
Neferhetepes (2) (daughter of
Kakai) 267
Neferhetepes (3) (consort of
Userhkaf) 267
Nefer-Hor 267
Nefer-Horen-Ptah 267
Neferhotep (1) (fl. c. 18th century
B.C.E.) 267
Neferhotep (2) (fl. 14th century
B.C.E.) 267
Neferhotep (3) (fl. 13th century
B.C.E.) 267
Neferhotep I 267–268
Neferhotep III 268
Neferkara 268
Neferkau 268
Neferkhewet 268
Neferku-Hor 268
Neferku-Min 268
Neferkuré 268
Neferma’at 268
Neferperet 268–269
Neferrenpet 269
Nefer-rohu’s Prophecy 269
Nefersekheru 269
Nefert 269
Nefertari 269,269–270
Nefertem 270
Nefertiabet 270
Nefertiru 270
Nefertiti 270
Nefert-kau 270

Neferu (1) (fl. 21st century B.C.E.)
Neferu (2) (fl. 20th century B.C.E.)
Neferu-Khayet (1) (consort of
Inyotef II) 271
Neferu-Khayet (2) (consort of
Montuhotep II) 271
Neferukheb 271
Neferu-ptah (1) (fl. 19th century
B.C.E.) 271
Neferu-ptah (2) (fl. 20th century
B.C.E.) 271
Neferu-Ré 271
Nefret 271
Nefrusheri 271
Nefru-Sobek (1) (Sobekneferu)
Nefru-Sobek (2) (consort of
Amenemhet I) 272
Nefru-Sobek (3) (daughter of
Senwosret I) 272
Nefrusy 272
Nefru-totenen 272
Negative Confessions 272
Nehah-ré 272
Nehem-awit 272
Nehes 272–273
Nehesy (1) (fl. 16th century
B.C.E.) 273
Nehesy (2) (fl. 15th century
B.C.E.) 273
Nehi 273
Neith (1) (goddess) 273
Neith (2) (fl. 23rd centuryB.C.E.)
Neithotep 273
Neka-’ankh 273–274
Nekauré 274
Nekhebet 274
Nekhebu 274
Nekonekh 274
nemes 274
Nenekhsekhmet 274
Nenwif 274
Neper 274–275
Nephrites I 275
Nephrites II 275
Nephthys 275
Neser 275
Neshi 275
Nesitanebetashru (1) (fl. 19th
century B.C.E.) 275
Nesitanebetashru (2) (fl. 11th
century B.C.E.) 275
Neskhonsu 275
Nesnimu 276
Nessumontu 276
netcher 276
neter 276
neterit 276
Neterka 276
neter nefer 276
neterui 276
net spells 276
New Kingdom Period 121–122
dynasties 106–107
queens 327
social evolution 383
Niankh-amun 276

Nibamon 276
Night of the Tear 276
Nile 12, 277
Battle of the 66
level records for 278
Nile festivals 278
Nilometers 278
Nima’athap 278
Nimlot (1) (father of Shoshenq I)
Nimlot (2) (son of Shoshenq I)
Nimlot (3) (son of Osorkon II)
Nimlot (4) (obscure ruler of
Twenty-third Dynasty) 278
Nine Bows 278–279
Ninetjer 279
Nineveh 279
Nisankh-Pepi-Kem 279
Nitocris (1) (fl. c. 2153 B.C.E.)
Nitocris (2) (fl. seventh century
B.C.E.) 279
Niuserré 279
Niya 279
Nodjmet 279–280
Nofret (1) (fl. 26th century B.C.E.)
Nofret (2) (fl. 19th century B.C.E.)
nomarchs 280
nome 280
Noon meal 280
Nub 280
Nubhotepi 280
Nubia 280–282
Nubian Desert 282
Nubkhas (1) (fl. 21st century
B.C.E.) 282
Nubkhas (2) (fl. 17th century
B.C.E.) 282
Nubkheshed (1) (consort of
Ramesses V) 282
Nubkheshed (2) (consort of
Ramesses VI) 282
Nubti 282
Nun 282
Nut 283
Nwebhotep-Khred 283
Nykuhor 283
oases 284–285
Oases Route 285
obelisks 285,285–286
Octavian SeeAugustus
Ogdoad 286
oils 286
Old Egyptian (language) 209
Old Kingdom Period 120
art/architecture 48–50
dynasties 105–106
dynasty histories 109
Egypt 120
military 244–245
queens 327
social evolution 381
Olympias 287

456 Index

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