Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt

(Frankie) #1
Ramesses I 334
Ramesses II 334–336, 335
Ramesses III 336
Ramesses IV 337
Ramesses V 337
Ramesses VI 337
Ramesses VII 337–338
Ramesses VIII 338
Ramesses IX 338
Ramesses X 338
Ramesses XI 338
Re’neb 344
Rudamon 348
Sahathor (1) 350
Sahuré 350–351
Salitis 351
Scorpion I 356
Sekhaen-Ré 359
Sekhemkhet 359
Sekhemré-Wahkhau Rahotep
Semerkhet 360
Sendji 361
Senwosret I 362–363, 363
Senwosret II 363
Senwosret III 363–364
Sethnakhte 367
Seti I 367–368, 368
Seti II 368
Shabaka 369
Shebitku 370
Shepseskaré 372
Shepseskhaf 372
Sheshi (1) 372
Shoshenq I 372–373
Shoshenq II 373
Shoshenq III 373
Shoshenq IV 373
Shoshenq V 373
Siamun (1) 374
Siptah 375–376
Smendes (1) 377
Smenkharé 378
Snefru 378
Sobekemsaf I 379
Sobekemsaf II 379
Sobekhotep I 379
Sobekhotep II 379
Sobekhotep III 379
Sobekhotep IV 379
Sobekhotep V 379
Sobekneferu 380
Taharqa 392–393
Takelot I 393
Takelot II 393
Takelot III 393
Tanutamun 395
Ta’o I 395
Ta’o II 396
Tefnakhte 397
Teos 401
Teti (Seheptawy) 402
Tut’ankhamun 413–414
Tuthmosis I 414–415
Tuthmosis II 415
Tuthmosis III 415–416
Tuthmosis IV 417–418
Twosret 418
Unis 420
Userkaré 421

Userkhaf 421
Wadjkaré 429
Wegaf 430
Weneg 430
Xerxes I 434
Yakoba’am 435
Yaqub-Hor 435
Pharnabazus 306
Philae 306, 306
Philetas of Cos 306
Philip III Arrhidaeus 306
Apuleius, Lucius 44
Phitm (1) (site near Ismaila) 308
Phitm (2) (site in Heliopolis)
Phoenicians 306–307
phoenix 307
Piankhi (1) (d. 712 B.C.E.) 307
Piankhi (2) (fl. 11th century
B.C.E.) 307
“Pillar of His Mother” 307
Pillars of Shu 307
pillow amulet 307
Pinudjem (1) (priest during reign
of Smendes) 307–308
Pinudjem (2) (priest during reign
of Psusennes I) 308
“Place of Uniting of the
Company” 308
plain of salt 308
Pneb-tawy 308
poetic texts 217
Philetas of Cos 306
Poseidippos of Pella 309
police 308–309
Pompey 309
Poseidippos of Pella 309
posesh-khef 309
Potter, The 309
Predynastic Period 117–119, 244,
Prehirwonmef (1) (fl. 13th centu-
ry B.C.E.) 309
Prehirwonmef (2) (fl. 12th centu-
ry B.C.E.) 309
priests 309–310
“Primeval Island of Trampling”
“Primeval Mound” 311
Prince Setna, Tale of 394
“Prince Unknown” 311
Prisse Papyrus 311
prophetic texts
Nefer-rohu’s Prophecy 269
proyet 311
Psammetichus (4) (fl. 393 B.C.E.)
Psammetichus I 311–312
Psammetichus II 312
Psammetichus III 312
Psamtik 312
Psusennes I 312
Psusennes II 312
Ptah 312–313
Ptah, Sanctuary of 352
Ptah-hotep, Maxims of 228
Ptah-hotep (1) (vizier under Izezi)

Ptah-hotep (2) (Tehefi) (vizier
under Unis) 313
Ptahshepses (1) (official under
Shepseskhaf) 313
Ptahshepses (2) (official under
Sahuré) 313
Ptah-Sokar-Osiris figurines 313
Ptolemaic Period 327
art/architecture 53–54
queens 327
Ptolemaic script 313
Ptolemais (1) (royal woman) 313
Ptolemais (2) (city) 313–314
Ptolemy, Claudius 314
Ptolemy I Soter 314,314–315
Ptolemy II Philadelphus 315
Ptolemy III Euergetes 315–316
Ptolemy IV Philopator 316
Ptolemy V Epiphanes 316
Ptolemy VI Philometor 316–317
Ptolemy VII Neos Philopator 317
Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II 317
Ptolemy IX Soter II 317
Ptolemy X Alexander I 317
Ptolemy XI Alexander II 317–318
Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysius 318
Ptolemy XIII 318
Ptolemy XIV 318
Ptolemy XV Caesarion 318
Ptolemy Apion 318
Ptolemy Magas 318
Ptolemy Philadelphos 318
Punt 318–319
Pure Mound 319
Puyenré 319
pylon 319,319–320
pyramid 88, 203, 320,320–323,
321 t, 322, 353, 389
Abu Ghurob 4
Abu Rowash 4
Abusir 6
Abydos 7
benben 68
corvée 87–88
Dashur 94
“Drunkards of Menkauré”
Edfu 114
Elephantine 131
El-Kula 131
false door 136
Giza 145–147,146, 147
Great Pyramid at Giza 88,
Hawara 162
Imhotep 178
Khufu 203–204
Labyrinth 208
Lahun, el- 209
Lisht, el- 215
mastabas 227–228
Mazghuna 229
Meidum 234
Memphis 236
pyramid workers 323
rastau(2) 340
Sahuré 351
Saqqara 352–353, 353
Seila 359
serdab 365

Snefru 378
Step Pyramid 320, 388–389,
Zawiet el-Aryan 437
Pyramid Texts 323
Cannibal Hymn 79
Sokar Boat 385
pyramid workers 323
Pythagoras 323
Qa’a 324
Qakaré Iby 324
Qantir 324
Qar 324
Qarta 324
Qarun, Lake 324
qas 324
Qasr el-Saghah 325
Qasr Qarun 325
Qasr wa’-l-Saiyad 325
Qatna 325
Qaw el-Kebir 325
Qebehsennuf 325
Qebhet 325
Qebhui 325
Qedeshet 325
Qua 325
Quarrel of Apophis and Sekenenré
quarries 325–326
Quban 326
Qubbet el-Hawwa 326
queens 326–332,327,328t–332t
A’ahset 1
A’at 2
Abar 3
Ah’hotep (1) 14–15
Ah’hotep (2) 15
‘Ahmose (1) 16
‘Ahmose-In-Hapi 16
‘Ahmose-Merytamon 16
‘Ahmose-Nefertari 16–17
Amenia 32
Amenirdis (1) 32
Amestris 34
Amtes 34
Amun-dyek’het 36
Amunet 36
Amytis 36
Ana (1) 37
Ankhesenamon 38–39
Ankhnesmery-Ré (1) 39
Ankhnesmery-Ré (2) 39
Ankhnes-Pepi 39
Aoh 43
Arsinoe (1) 46
Arsinoe (2) 46
Arsinoe (3) 46
Arsinoe (5) 47
Artystone 55
Ashait 56
Baketwerel 64
Berenib 69
Berenice (1) 69
Berenice (3) 69
Berenice (4) 69–70
Bint-Anath 71
Bunefer 75
Cleopatra (1) 83

458 Index

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