CChhaapptteerr 44 :: (^)
PPrreevveennttiinngg HHiigghh BBlloooodd PPrreessssuurree
&& DDiiaabbeetteess WWhhiillee SSuuffffeerriinngg (^)
FFrroomm (^) GGoouutt (^)
Let’s now talk about High Blood Pressure which is also a preventable disease. One out
three or 77 million adults in the US, about half of them have high blood pressure and it’s
pretty prevalent. The medical community will tell you that salt is a no-no but it is of no
influence in 85% of the people, it only affects people with high blood pressure which
consists of only 15%. Am I saying to use all the salt that you want? Of course not, but
most people eat too much salt in their diet even though we have no need for it except
for the sodium that it contains. What we need, is the sodium that occurs naturally in the
food that nature created for us like the fruits, vegetables and grains. They contain all the
sodium we really need and we absorb it rapidly. Sodium is a part of everyone's diet, but
how much is too much? Under ideal conditions, the minimum sodium requirement is
about 1,500 milligrams (mg) per day. This is less than 1 teaspoon of table salt. The
maximum recommended level of sodium intake is 2,300 mg per day. On average,
American men consume between 3,100 and 4,700 mg of sodium per day, while women
consume between 2,300 and 3,100 mg due to their lower caloric intake but not because
of sodium restriction.
The standard North American diet is sad; it consists of 40–50% of the calories as
fat which should be no more than 10%. If you have a disease like cancer, you must
drop all of the fat and be on a 100% strict carbohydrates diet; if you want a chance at
reversing your disease. Research has proven that cancer is reversible at certain stages.
Studies of breast cancer by the Women's Intervention Nutrition Study (WINS) in 2006
has shown that once patients reduced their fat intake, their cancer decreased in size and
responded better to treatment, therefore, the high carb diet works even if you have