Gout Book.docx

(Jeff_L) #1

We must understand how cancer comes about. The macrophages, those large white
cells which whose job is to digest debris and bacteria, one of the body’s main lines of
defence, won’t work for you if they are filled with fat. We eat a big fatty meal, the fat
gets into our bloodstream, the macrophages try to devour it and destroy it because it
knows they are not good for your health. The body is trying to save you from the
problems you are creating. If you are not eating fat, those same macrophages become
active and can devour bacteria and cancer cells as they float throughout the body.
People who eat a low fat diet generally live longer even if they have cancer! They are
more comfortable, particularly if it involves the vital organs like liver cancer.

The medical profession’s answer to high blood pressure is to put you on medicine or
prescribed drugs if you prefer, for the rest of your life! They prescribe what they call
step-up therapy and they start you on diuretics commonly known as “water pills” to help
your body get rid of unneeded water and salt through the urine. If that works, then
that’s all you have to take but if it doesn’t, then they keep the “water pill” going and add
two to seven more drugs, just to control your blood pressure! Firstly, the diuretics
dehydrate you because they cause you to pass a lot of water, so you must drink a lot of
water. In turn this will increase your risk of death from other causes. Remember that pills
do not cure high blood pressure, they just treat the symptoms. None of the high blood
pressure medicines cure you! Zero!

In my post about diuretics you can read about how patients with high blood pressure
increase their chances of developing gout while taking “water pills”.

So what happens when you get high blood pressure and it becomes atherosclerosis,
that hardening of the blood vessels and the arteries narrowing that supply the kidneys.
We can only reverse that and we can, it has been proven on many occasions by altering
our lifestyle to eating the proper foods that contain no fat, high carbohydrates, exercise
and no smoking. If we take the prescribed drugs we notice many complications; they
relieve the symptoms but they decrease the blood flow and they dilate the blood vessels
that cause many side effects, most notably death! Kidney function decreases due to the
fact that prescribed drugs (diuretics, allopurinol, colchicine etc...) cause 20% of the
kidney failures. Remember the point I made earlier that health doesn’t come in capsules
folks. You can’t simply poison yourself into health with drugs called medicine. If you
want to cure your high blood pressure, then go on a no fat diet that is high in carbs. It is

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