caused by prescribed drugs that we take and hospital staffs make mistakes every single
day providing patients with the wrong medicine.
Let’s not make the cure worse than the disease itself! With high blood pressure we have
a higher chance of getting a stroke; cerebral paralysis which consists of the chain of
nerve cells that runs from the brain, through the spinal cord, out to the muscle called
the motor pathway. Normal muscle function requires intact connections all along this
motor pathway. Damage at any point reduces the brain's ability to control the muscle's
movements. This reduced efficiency causes weakness, also called paresis. Complete loss
of communication prevents any willed movement at all. This lack of control is called
paralysis. Finally, high blood pressure can result in blood clots, trapped blood can form
clots that can narrow (and sometimes block) the arteries. These clots sometimes break
off and block vessels and the blood supply to different parts of the body. When this
happens, heart attacks or strokes are often the result.
So what can we do about it? A high fiber diet helps remove toxins from the body to
avoid high blood pressure and cancer. Don’t follow diet programs like the Atkins diet,
the Jenny Craig diet, protein diet and so on. The diet industry is polarised around simple
debates such as fat vs sugar vs protein because there are huge amounts of money at
stake. Farmers, food manufacturers, lobbyists, scientists and authors of diet books need
to defend one or other side. Fortunately, you don't need to worry about any of that
here, cause I’m providing you with proof, by taking my 60 day blood test challenge so
you can see for yourself and putting my money where my mouth is!
Don’t force yourself off certain foods rather, eat modestly and you can keep
eating a little of everything. Rather than make massive lifestyle changes, why not
eat properly for the rest of your life without depriving yourself any of your
favourite foods? Eat modest quantities, don’t be a glutton and eliminate the fat
permanently and you will be healthy permanently and hopefully die of old age.
Diabetes is a disease that is 80% preventable with a proper diet and exercise. Just like
gout, it is an old disease that manifested itself since Egyptian times. It is often said that
only royalty can afford the “rich” foods like meat, sugar and wine. Gout which is closely
related to diabetes is often referred to as “the rich man’s disease” or “the disease of
kings”. You see the peasants ate only fruits, vegetables and grains and the healthy