60 Strain and the theory of elasticity
Table 5.2 Number of elastic constants required to characterize different forms of rock
mass symmetry
General anisotropic rock
Orthotropic rock
(three axes of symmetry, e.g. similar to a
rock mass with three orthogonal fracture
Transversely isotropic rock
(one axis of symmetry, e.g. similar to a
rock mass with distinct laminations or
with one main fracture set)
Perfectly isotropic rock
21 elastic constants:
all the independent Si, in the S matrix.
Because the matrix is symmetrical, there
are 21 rather than 36 constants.
9 elastic constants:
as in the matrix above - 3 Young’s
moduli, 3 Poisson‘s ratios and 3 shear
5 elastic constants:
2 Young’s moduli, 2 Poisson’s ratios, and
1 shear modulus (see 45.4)
2 elastic constants:
1 Young’s modulus, 1 Poisson’s ratio
In this way, by considering the architecture of the general elastic
compliance matrix, S, the number of different elastic constants required
to characterize rock masses with different basic forms of symmetry can
be established. This relates to the anisotropy of the rock mass, i.e. to
what extent it has different properties in different directions. The results
are in Table 5.2.
It is important to realize that most rock mechanics analyses have
been conducted assuming that the rock mass is completely isotropic, i.e.
assuming that the elastic moduli are the same in all directions, and that
the rock mass can therefore be characterized by two parameters: a single
value of Young’s modulus, E, and a single value of Poisson’s ratio, u. A
separate value for the shear modulus, G, is not required in the isotropic
case because then G is a function of E and v, see Q and A5.4.
In some cases, isotropy may be a useful simplifymg engineering
assumption; in other cases, especially where there is one dominant
low-stiffness fracture set, the isotropic assumption is not appropriate.
5.2 Questions and answers: strain and the theory of
45.1 What is the meaning of the first stress invariant and the first
strain invariant?
A5.1 The first stress invariant, ZI, is the sum of the leading diagonal
terms of the stress matrix illustrated in Table 5.1: ZI = a,, + a,, + azz. It
can be considered as proportional to the mean normal stress, and hence
the mean pressure applied at a point.
The first strain invariant is the sum of the leading diagonal terms of
the strain matrix illustrated in Table 5.1: i.e. cxx + E,,, + szz. Normal strain
in one dimension is a measure of change in length, and so this invariant
is a measure of the volumetric change, the contraction or dilatation.