An introduction to Japanese - Syntax, Grammar & Language

(Joyce) #1


Example sentences would be:

”Could you please say that one more time?”

”It’s hot today, don’t you think? I wonder what temperature (lit: how
many degrees) it is.”

This particle is also a noun on itself, pronounced , which is used
as a nominaliser for turning clauses into occurrences, which will be ex-
plained in the next chapter, in the nominalisers section.

  • Number of times

Where is used for once, twice and thrice, can be used for any number
of occurrences. The pronunciations are:

( )

An example sentence would be:

”(I) already tried (and failed) three times...”

  • Rank

This counter is used to indicate a number in a ranking. This counter has a
different pronunciation for 9, so the pronunciations are:

( )
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