Chemistry of Essential Oils

(Tuis.) #1

The fruit of Pittosporum resiniferum yields 0*5 per cent, of essential
oil, obtained by expression, having the following characters :—

Specific gravity 0883
Refractive index 14577
According to Bacon,
the oil contains heptane, and a dihydroterpene,
C 10 H 18 , having the following characters :—
Boiling-point 168° to 170°
Specific gravity at —00
805 03O°
Optical rotation + 1° 6'

Refractive index at 30°..1-4460


The oleo-resinous substance obtained from the bark of the tree Liqui^
dambar orientale, a plant found chiefly in Asia Minor, constitutes the
liquid storax of commerce.
The oleo-resinous balsam yields from O5 to 1 per cent, of essential oil
having the following characters :—
Specific gravity...0-950 to 1-050 (sometimes lower)
Optical rotation.
Refractive index
Acid value.
Ester „.

+ 1° to - 35°
1-5395 „ 1-5653
1 „ 26
up to 130
The very variable characters of this oil are due to differences in dis-
tillation methods, as the further the distillation is carried, the more the
amount of slightly volatile, high gravity constituents corning over.
The principal odorous constituent of the oil is styrol, or phenylethy-
lene C 6 H 6. CH : CH 2 , an optically inactive hydrocarbon boiling at 146°.
The cinnamic acid esters of ethyl, benzyl, phenyl-propyl, and cinnamyl
alcohols are also present, as well as the free alcohols, and traces of
The oil is adulterated with artificial esters, notably benzyl benzoate.
The volatile oil from the leaves and twigs of Liquidambar Formosana
has been examined by Kafuku.^2 • A yield of about 0*05 per cent, was ob-
tained. It was greenish-yellow in colour, having a specific gravity of
0-8655 at 20° C., Optical rotation - 3'3°, refractive index 1-4755 at 20° C.,
acid value nil, ester value 5*9, ester value after acetylation 25'2. It con-
sisted principally of terpenes ; camphene, a-pinene, and dipentene were
identified with certainty, nopinene and phellandrene being also indicated.
Traces of aldehydes and ketones were found to be present.


The oil obtained from Hamamelis Virginiatia has the following char-
acters :—
Specific gravity....0-900 to 0-906
Optical rotation
Refractive index
Ester value
(after acetylation)

+ 4° „ + 5°

1-4830 „ 1-4895

about 4
„ 30

Philipp. Jour. Sc.t 4 (1909), 115. *Jour. Chem. Ind. Tokio (1916), 19, 516..
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