New Perspectives On Web Design

(C. Jardin) #1
By Marko Dugonjić CHAPTER 9

try different strategies for establishing hierarchy and experiment with
supplementary furniture, such as captions or pull-quotes — using only one
typeface. This way you will learn what each type family is capable of and
what can be accomplished with CSS.
I dare you to learn to live without flourishes, the bling and the gloss,
to undesign Web sites and make them lightweight and accessible in both
appearance and performance, as well as being cross-platform. Resist the
seduction of beautiful counters and spines, and delay browsing typefaces
until you have built a solid foundation.
Always keep in mind that typography serves content and we serve
the user — not the other way around. Typeset content first, because the
stark reality is that Web typography is not about selecting fonts, it’s about
making information accessible, legible and readable. We all have an innate
tendency to make things eye-pleasing, so once you have learned to cover
the essentials, you will instinctively know how to add just the right volume
of appeal.
Good luck!

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