New Perspectives On Web Design

(C. Jardin) #1

CHAPTER 11 Supporting Your Product

  1. In that list is there something that could be better explained in your
    documentation or support materials? If so, make that change.

  2. Identify five support requests that are really feature requests, whether
    explicit requests or areas where you have had to tell a customer that
    your product does not fulfill a certain requirement. For each request,
    consider if it is something that could: damage your core use case and
    should not be implemented; could be quickly implemented; or could be
    added to the long-term plans for the product. Don’t forget to let custo-
    mers know when you have implemented their suggestions.

  3. If you have a FAQ page, are there issues that could be documented or
    dealt with in the product itself to stop them being frequently asked?

  4. Revisit the above process regularly!

  5. Are you using your support system to its full potential? Spend some
    time looking at any features you don’t use. Can you improve your use
    of the system, perhaps by making use of an API to tailor your customer

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