Science - USA (2021-12-17)

(Antfer) #1



able the identification of proxy measures for
larger-scale assessments and biogeochemical
models. For instance, Werner et al. found
characteristic blends of volatiles released
by drought-stressed vegetation that can
function as indicators of different levels of
drought stress and plant senescence. Such in-
formation is urgently needed to improve the
predictive capacity of biogeochemical models
( 1 , 12 ). At the same time, following carbon
and water dynamics with targeted labeling
experiments was mostly possible above the
ground, whereas continuously measuring
labels in belowground organs, such as fine

roots, still poses major challenges that need
to be addressed in future work. New facilities
like the Deep Soil Ecotron ( 13 ) will help elu-
cidate belowground processes, going beyond
the topsoil and down to a depth of 3 m.
The results by Werner et al. indicate that
climate extremes like drought can modulate
the balance between carbon sink and source
processes through changes in plant physi-
ology, plant carbon allocation, and plant-
soil-atmosphere interactions. Such insights
are critical for linking local experimental
studies and global monitoring and model-
ing approaches. Data availability and infor-
mation gained from global networks such
as FLUXNET ( 14 ), which measures surface
gas exchange between terrestrial ecosystems
and the atmosphere, or remote sensing ( 15 )
across major terrestrial biomes are continu-
ously improving and will allow the assess-
ment of changes in biodiversity, ecosystem
functioning, and stress levels based on proxy
variables provided by local experimental
work. Given that evapotranspiration, ecosys-

tem respiration, and gross primary produc-
tivity all responded substantially to drought
in the Biosphere 2 study, future projects
should explore whether the plant traits iden-
tified as related to drought resistance have
similar predictive power across ecosystem
types and biomes. Integrating information
on plant functional types related to drought
resistance and resilience with the role of
soils in water and carbon dynamics will help
develop a predictive framework for ecosys-
tem effects of extreme events and help pa-
rametrize Earth system models by account-
ing for coupled plant-soil interactions. j


  1. H. O. Pörtner et al., IPBES-IPCC co-sponsored workshop
    report on biodiversity and climate change, Zenodo

  2. G. B. Bonan, Science 320 , 1444 (2008).

  3. C. Werner et al., Science 374 , 1514 (2021).

  4. L. S. Leigh, T. Burgess, B. D. V. Marino, Y. D. Wei, Ecol. Eng.
    13 , 65 (1999).

  5. W. R. L. Anderegg, A. T. Trugman, D. R. Bowling, G.
    Salvucci, S. E. Tuttle, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 116 ,
    14071 (2019).

  6. F. Schnabel et al., bioRxiv 10.1101/2021.01.06.425434

  7. F. J. Bongers et al., Nat. Ecol. Evol. 5 , 1594 (2021).

  8. A. Weigelt et al., New Phytol. 232 , 42 (2021).

  9. F. I. Pugnaire et al., S c i. A d v. 5 , eaaz1834 (2019).

  10. U. Pöschl et al., Science 329 , 1513 (2010).

  11. A. Canarini et al., Nat. Commun. 12 , 5308 (2021).

  12. J. Roy et al., Glob. Change Biol. 27 , 1387 (2021).

  13. E. Stokstad, Science 373 , 250 (2021).

  14. M. Migliavacca et al., Nature 598 , 468 (2021).

  15. A. K. Skidmore et al., Nat. Ecol. Evol. 5 , 896 (2021).

We acknowledge the support of iDiv funded by the German
Research Foundation (DFG) (DFG–FZT 118, 202548816).
The Jena Experiment is funded by the DFG (FOR 5000). We
appreciate helpful comments by C. Werner.


Total canopy water flux

Soil water levels:

Predrought Severe drought Recovery

Gross primary productivity






Drought-sensitive species Drought-tolerant species Volatiles


High Low

By F ilip Bošković and Ulrich F. Keyser


ost sequencing methods for nu-
cleic acids require multiple cop-
ies of the target molecules. The
copying of nucleic acids, through
polymerase chain reaction (PCR),
enabled next-generation sequenc-
ing technology that uses more finite tar-
gets. This has allowed the development of
genomics and transcriptomics approaches
to profile single cells. Proteins are argu-
ably more important for the proper func-
tion of living systems, and so proteomics
methods that provide the identity, quantity,
and sequence of proteins in a single cell is
a key goal. However, one obstacle in pro-
tein sequencing is our inability to make
identical copies of proteins. On page 1509
of this issue, Brinkerhoff et al. ( 1 ) develop a
method to reread a single polypeptide many
times, which allows the identification of
synthetic peptide variants. Their approach
is based on nanopore DNA sequencing and
overcomes one of the biggest obstacles to-
ward single-molecule proteomics.
Protein sequencing currently relies on
mass spectrometry–based methods that re-
quire large amounts of starting materials
and miss rare proteins. The quantification
of messenger RNA molecules generally does
not reflect the proteome ( 2 ). Hence, for an
accurate determination of cellular protein
isoforms and variants, including their post-
translational modifications (PTMs), new
methods are needed. Often inspired by DNA
sequencing approaches, several methods
have been proposed, including single-mol-
ecule fluorescence, tunneling current analy-
sis, and nanopore sequencing ( 3 ). Nanopore
DNA sequencing involves ionic current
sensing for the identification of single nu-
cleotides in nanopores ( 4 ). This inspired

Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge,
Cambridge, UK. Email: [email protected]


Toward single-



Nanopore rereading of

single proteins opens a

pathway to next-generation



Tropical forest responses to drought and rewetting
In Biosphere 2, drought effects revealed major changes to water and carbon fluxes, volatile compound
composition by vegetation and uptake by soil, and gross primary productivity in a tropical forest ecosystem.
After rewetting, water and carbon fluxes slowly recovered, but not to predrought levels.

17 DECEMBER 2021 • VOL 374 ISSUE 6574 1443
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