Atheism And Theism - Blackwell - Philosophy

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Reply to Smart 193

15 In a letter to the Emperor Caligula (Embassy to Gaius, 302) Philo complains
of Pilate’s many injustices, and Josephus tells us that he was eventually
removed from the office of Prefect of Judaea because of his over-zealous attitude
to execution.
16 De Veritate, q. 1, a. 2. as translated in C. Martin (ed.), The Philosophy of Thomas
Aquinas: Introductory Readings (London: Routledge, 1988).
17 Doctrinally informed and disciplined spirituality, as contrasted with untethered
‘new age mysticism’, is currently a somewhat neglected aspect of religion.
A classic manual of spiritual development is Adolphe Tanquerey, The Spiritual
Life: A Treatise on Ascetical and Mystical Theology, 2nd edn (Tournai: Society of
St John the Evangelist, 1951). For writings of the great spiritual figures of theism
(Christian, Islamic and Jewish) see the volumes of The Classics of Western Spiritu-
ality: A Library of the Great Spiritual Masters, edited by Richard J. Payne (London:
SPCK, 1978 – ).
18 Cardinal Newman, ‘Lead, Kindly Light’, in The Spirit of Cardinal Newman
(London: Burns & Oates, 1914).
19 I am grateful to Ernest Sosa the editor of the ‘Great Debates Series’, and to Steve
Smith of Blackwell Publishers, for the invitation to co-author this book; and
I thank Smart for the lively and generous style of his contribution. Family
and other circumstances delayed delivery of my typescript and I am indebted to
all three gentlemen, but especially Jack Smart, for their gracious patience.

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