Dairy Chemistry And Biochemistry

(Steven Felgate) #1

yogurts is similar to, or a little lower than, that in milk (Appendix 6A);
cheese contains only trace amounts.


Department of Health (1991) Dietary Reference Values for Food Energy and Nutrients for the
United Kingdom, Report on Health and Social Subjects No. 40, HMSO, London.
Fox, P.F. and Flynn, A. (1992) Biological properties of milk proteins, in Adoanced Dairy
Chemistry, Vol. 1: Proteins (ed. P.F. Fox), Elsevier Applied Science, London, pp. 255-84.
Garrow, J.S. and James, W.P.T. (1993) Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Churchill Livingstone,
Holland, B., Welch, A.A., Unmin, I.D. et al. (1991) McCance and Widdowson’s The Composition
of Foods, 5th edn, Royal Society of Chemistry and Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and
Food, Cambridge and London.
Oste, R., Jagerstad, M. and Andersson I. (1997) Vitamins in milk and milk products, in
Adcanced Dairy Chemistry, Vol. 3: Lactose, Water, Salts and Vitamins (ed. P.F. Fox),
Chapman & Hall, London, pp. 347-402.
Whitney, E.N. and Rolfes, S.R. (1996) Understanding Nutrition, West Publishing, St. Paul.

Suggested reading

Belitz, H.-D. and Grosch, W. (1987) Food Chemistry, Springer-Verlag, New York.
Garrow, J.S. and James, W.P.T. (1993) Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Churchill Livingstone,

Jensen, R.G. (ed.) (1995) Handbook of Milk Composition, Academic Press, San Diego.
Oste, R., Jagerstad, M. and Andersson I. (1997) Vitamins in milk and milk products, in
Advanced Dairy Chemislry, Vol. 3: Lactose, Water, Salts and Vitamins, (ed. P.F. Fox),
Chapman & Hall, London, pp. 347-402.


Whitney, E.N. and Rolfes, S.R. (1996). Understanding Nutrition, West Publishing, St. Paul.


Appendix 6A
dairy products (mod@ed from Holland et al., 1991)

Vitamin and vitamin precursor concentrations (per 100 g) in
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