Mechanical Engineering Principles

(Dana P.) #1

of twist of this shaft, due to this torque,
over a length of 1 m, given that the rigid-
ity modulus,G=40 GPa.
[76.8 mm, 1.49°]

  1. A shaft to the blades of a helicopter trans-
    mits 1000 hp at 200 rev/min. Neglecting
    transmission losses, determine the mini-
    mum external and internal diameters of
    the hollow circular section aluminium
    alloy shaft, when the maximum permis-
    sible shear stress in the shaft is limited
    to 30 MPa. It may be assumed that the
    external diameter of this shaft is twice its
    internal diameter. What will be the result-
    ing angle of twist of this shaft over a
    length of 2 m, given that the modulus of
    rigidity,G= 26 .9 GPa.?
    [186 mm, 93 mm, 1.374°]

  2. A solid circular section shaft of diameter
    dis subjected to a torque of 1000 N m. If
    the maximum permissible shear stress in
    this shaft is limited to 30 MPa, determine
    the minimum value ofd. [55.4 mm]

  3. If the shaft in Problem 5 were to be
    replaced by a hollow shaft of external
    diameterd 2 and internal diameter 0.5d 2 ,
    determine the minimum value ford 2 ,the
    design condition being the same for both
    shafts. What percentage saving in weight
    will result by replacing the solid shaft by
    the hollow one.
    [56.6 mm, 28.3 mm, 21.7%]

Exercise 51 Short answer questions on
the twisting of shafts

  1. State three practical examples where the
    torsion of shafts appears

  2. State the relationship between shear stress
    τand torqueTfor a shaft.

  3. State the relationship between torqueT
    and angle of twistθfor a shaft.

  4. State whether a solid shaft or a hollow
    shaft is structurally more efficient.

Exercise 52 Multi-choice questions on the
twisting of shafts (Answers on
page 284)

  1. The maximum shear stress for a solid
    shaft occurs:

(a) at the outer surface
(b) at the centre
(c) in between the outer surface and the

  1. For a given shaft, if the values of torque
    T, lengthLand radiusrare kept con-
    stant, but rigidityGis increased, the value
    of shear stressτ:

(a) increases
(b) stays the same
(c) decreases

  1. If for a certain shaft, its length is doubled,
    the angle of twist:

(a) doubles
(b) halves
(c) remains the same

  1. If a solid shaft is replaced by a hollow
    shaft of the same external diameter, its
    angle of twist:

(a) decreases
(b) stays the same
(c) increases

  1. If a shaft is fixed at its two ends and
    subjected to an intermediate torqueTat
    mid-length, the maximum resulting torque
    is equal to:

(a)T (b)


(c) zero

  1. If a hollow shaft is subjected to a torque
    T, the shear stress on the inside surface is:

(a) a minimum
(b) a maximum
(c) zero
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