Poetry for Students, Volume 31
more important than the form. The term may also be used to criticize a work that the critic finds ‘‘overly didactic,’’ that is, ...
of perfection. Corresponding to this essen- tially humanist vision was a resistance to religious authority. Epic:A long narrativ ...
language, in which every word is truthful, accurate, and free of exaggeration or embellishment. Figures of Speech:Writing that d ...
Graveyard School: A group of eighteenth- century English poets who wrote long, pic- turesque meditations on death. Their works w ...
Image:A concrete representation of an object or sensory experience. Typically, such a repre- sentation helps evoke the feelings ...
the name of the ‘‘Breton lay.’’ In fourteenth- century England, the term ‘‘lay’’ was used to describe short narratives written i ...
Muses:Nine Greek mythological goddesses, the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne (Mem- ory). Each muse patronized a specific area of ...
New Criticism:Amovementinliterarycriticism, dating from the late 1920s, that stressed close textual analysis in the interpretati ...
Paradox:A statement that appears illogical or contradictory at first, but may actually point to an underlying truth. Parallelism ...
Poete maudit:A term derived from Paul Ver- laine’s Lespoetesmaudits(The Accursed Poets), a collection of essays on the French sy ...
peoples because they had not been subjected to the tainting influence of society. Projective Verse:A form of free verse in which ...
developed since classical times for arranging facts and ideas in a clear, persuasive, appeal- ing manner. The term is also used ...
character in the work; ‘‘indirect’’ satire relies upon the ridiculous behavior of its charac- ters to make its point. Formal sat ...
Sprung Rhythm:Versification using a specific number of accented syllables per line but disregarding the number of unaccented syl ...
of the five senses. Poetic expression of per- sonal emotion figured strongly in the move- ment, typically by means of a private ...
Trickster: A character or figure common in Native American and African literature who uses his ingenuity to defeat enemies and e ...
Cumulative Author/Title Index A A Pie`d(McElroy): V3 Accounting(Alegrı ́a): V21 Ackerman, Diane On Location in the Loire Valley: ...
B Babii Yar(Yevtushenko): V29 Baggott, Julianna What the Poets Could Have Been: V26 Ballad of Birmingham(Randall): V5 Ballad of ...
Chocolates(Simpson): V11 Chorale(Young): V25 Christ Climbed Down(Ferlinghetti): V28 The Cinnamon Peeler(Ondaatje): V19 Cisneros, ...
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