Facebook Marketing: An Hour a Day.

(Tuis.) #1

c h a p t e r

2 :

What Is Facebook?

Social Networking and Social Media Defined

before we discuss the other websites that I want to call to your attention, it is impor-
tant that you understand some nuances and some issues in the vocabulary that I will
be using when uncovering these topics. In particular, I want discuss a few terms: social
media, social networks, and the social graph. Figure 2.1 is an illustration of how all of
these fit together.

Figure 2.1 Social media, social graph, and social networks

the term social media refers to the collection of technologies that capture com-
munication, content, and so on across individuals, their friends, and their social net-
works. examples of social media include social networking sites like Facebook and
twitter, blogging technologies like typePad and WordPress, crowdsourcing products
like Wikipedia, photo and video sharing sites like Flickr and Youtube, and others.
these technologies help users easily create content on the Internet and share it with
others. social media is the infrastructure that helps users become publishers of content
that is interesting to them and their friends.
Social networks are groups of people, or communities, who share a common
interest, perspective, or background. as much as we like to talk about social networks
in the context of popular online services such as Facebook, these networks exist offline
just as much as they do online. so whether you are talking about Pink Floyd fans,
people who attended the University of texas in 2004, people who enjoy fly-fishing, or
brazilians, these networks exist regardless of whether or not the individuals in them
share information and life experiences on social media.
the social graph is the broad collection of people, places, and interests that makes
us individuals. It’s how and why we’re connected to other people. think about it—a

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