254 INDEX.
Indirect combination 169
Inner sphere 166, 181
Inoculation 36, 38, 196, 197
Iodic acid 119
anhydride 119
Iodo-starch 46
Iodine from residues 74
Iodine tetrachloride of potassium Ill
Ionization tendency 67
Iron, passive 32
Irreversible colloids 38
Isomerism, dynamic 210
spacial 167, 181, 188
Isobars 164
Isotherms 164
Kaolin 130
Kernel of an atom 13
Kuhne's dialyzing tube 43
Lakes 46
Lanthanum blue 45
Lead from galena 26
from lead oxide 15
Lead tetrachloride 143
Le Chatelier pyrometer 86
Lepidolite 217
Lithium 28
Lithium carbonate from minerals 219
Luteochromic salt 184
Luteocobaltic salts 167, 175
Magnesium nitrate hexahydrate 191
nitride 94
phosphide 96
Magnus, salt of 166
Manganates 124
Manganese 17
Manganese chloride 77
sulphide 89
Mangano-manganic oxide 17
Mantle, clay 1
Marignac 223
Mass action law 53, 66, 68, 109, 208
Maxima, concealed 191