
(Jeff_L) #1

  1. Agriculture Fields, Hay and Pasture Lands,
    Old Fields, Prairies, Cedar Glades and Pine Plantations ...................... 101
    2.1 Northeast Prairie/Cedar Glades
    2.2 Jackson Prairie
    2.3 Hay and Pasture Lands
    2.4 Pine Plantations
    2.5 Old Fields and Young Hardwoods (Shrublands)
    2.6 Agriculture Fields (Row Crops)

  2. Mesic Upland Forests ............................................................................... 119
    3.1 Beech/Magnolia Forests
    3.2 Mesic Longleaf Pine Savanna/Forests
    3.3 Loess Hardwood Forests
    3.4 Lower Slope/High Terrace Hardwood Forests

  3. Bottomland Hardwood Forests .............................................................. 133
    4.1 Bottomland Hardwood Forests

  4. Riverfront Forests/Herblands/Sandbars ................................................. 139
    5.1 Cottonwood/Black Willow/River Birch Woodlands
    5.2 Sandbars

  5. Wet Pine Savannas .................................................................................. 147
    6.1 Wet Pine Savannas
    6.2 Slash Pine Flatwoods

  6. Spring Seeps ............................................................................................. 155
    7.1 Hardwood Seeps
    7.2 Pine Seeps

  7. Bo gs ........................................................................................................... 163
    8.1 Pitcher Plant Flat/Bogs

  8. Inland Freshwater Marshes ..................................................................... 167
    9.1 Freshwater Marshes

  9. Swamp Forests ........................................................................................ 171
    10.1 Bald Cypress/Gum Swamp Forests
    10.2 Small Stream Swamp Forests

  10. Lacustrine (Lentic) Communities ......................................................... 179
    11.1 Oxbow Lakes
    11.2 Reservoirs
    11.3 Artificial Ponds
    11.4 Ephemeral (Temporary) Ponds
    11.5 Beaver Ponds

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