Physics and Radiobiology of Nuclear Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1
Index 315

Nuclear forces, 7
Nuclear reactors, 46
equation for production of
radionuclides, 49–51
operation of, 46
production of radionuclides in, 46–47
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 268
Nucleons, 3, 305
Nucleus, 3, 6–8
binding energy of, 8
line of stability, 7
liquid drop model of, 6
notation for, 6
shell model of, 6
size of, 3
Nuclides, 8
chart of, 8–9


(^15) O (oxygen-15), 48
Occupational dose limits, 273–274
Orbital electrons, 3–4
Organ, critical, 305
Organ, target, 305
Oxygen effect, 242–244
Oxygen enhancement ratio, 242
(^32) P (phosphorus-32), 48
Packaging in transportation of
radioactive material, 293–294
PACS, 150–152
Pair production, 63–64, 305
Parallel hole collimators, 111–112
classification of, 112
resolution, 119–122
sensitivity, 127
Paralyzable dead time, 100–101
Partial volume effect, 175
Particulate radiations, definition of, 2
Patient motion, 133
Penetrating radiations, 56
Personnel monitoring, 277–279
PET/CT scanners, 189–190
PET scanners, 184–188
block detectors, 184
coincidence timing window, 184–188
quality control tests, 205–206
Photodisintegration, 64
Photoelectric effect, 61–62
Photofraction, 97, 305
Photomultiplier (PM) tubes
in gamma cameras, 112
in LS counting, 93–94
in PET scanner, 183–184
in scintillation counters, 86–87
annihilations, 60, 92
attenuation of, 64–68
Compton scattering of, 62–63
definition of, 2
pair production of, 63, 305
photoelectric effect of, 61–62, 305
detection efficiency, 96–99
energy resolution of, 95–96
Physical half-life, 22–25, 305
Pinhole collimator, 111
Pixels, 143
Placards in transportation of
radioactive material, 294
Planck’s constant, 2
Pocket dosimeter, 77
POPOP, in liquid scintillation, 94
Positive predictive value, 42
Positrons (b+)
annihilation of, 17–18
decay, 17–18, 60
range, 202
Positron emission tomography (PET),
angle of acceptance, 188
block detectors in, 184
coincidence detection in, 182, 191
coincidence timing window, 184–188
data acquisition, 191–193
dead time, 200
detectors in, 182
electronic collimation, 182
image, reconstruction, 196
line of response, 191
noise equivalent count rate, 204–205
normalization, 196–197
photon attenuation correction,
positron range, 202
quality control tests, 205
radial elongation, 200–201

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