Physics and Radiobiology of Nuclear Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1

320 Index

Target in production of radionuclides,
Target, organ, 305
Tenth value layer (TVL), 67
Terms used in the text, 302–306
Thermal neutrons, 46, 306
Thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD),
Thyroid probe, 104–105
Thyroid uptake, 105
Tissue weighting factors, 220–221,
271–272, 306

(^201) Tl (thallium-201), 49
exposure rate constant, 275
half-value layer in lead, 67
production, 49
Tomographic imaging, 153
emission computed tomography, 153
PET, 182–207
SPECT, 153–181
transmission tomography, 153
Total effective dose equivalent, 272
Training and experience requirements
for medical uses of byproduct
materials, 287–288
Transient equilibrium in radioactive
decay, 30–31
Transition energy in radioactive decay,
Transport index, 293–294
Transportation of radioactive materials,
limited quantity, 294
Undifferentiated cells, 237
Uniformity, gamma camera, 129–131
edge packing, 131
nonlinearity, 130
pulse height variation, 129–130,
Units and constants, 300–301
Unrestricted area, 272
Uranium-235, fission, 47
Verification cards for radioactive
patients, 262–263
Waste disposal, radioactive, 280–282
Wavelength of electromagnetic
radiation, 2
Wavelength shifter in liquid
scintillation, 94
Well counter, gamma, 101–104
energy calibration of, 101–102
photopeak efficiency for, 104
sample volume effects, 103
Window setting, in pulse height
analysis, 87–88
Wipe test, 280, 282, 287
Written directives, 285
X rays, characteristic, 14, 20
X, Y positioning circuit, 112–114
Yttrium oxyorthosilicate detector,
Zoom factor, 144
Z-pulse in gamma camera, 112, 114

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