Index 319
Shielding in radiation protection,
Sievert (Sv), 210, 306
Single-strand break in chromosome,
Single channel analyzer (SCA), 88
Single escape peak, 92
Single photon emission computed
tomography (SPECT),see
Sinogram in PET, 192
SI units,seeSystem Internationale Unit
Sodium iodide detectors,seeDetectors
Software and DICOM, 149–150
Solid state digital camera, 116
Somatic effects of radiations, 249–256
Sources of radiation exposure, 268–270
Spatial resolution, 118–127, 306
collimator resolution, 119–121
evaluation of, 122–127
bar phantoms in, 122–123
line spread function in, 124
modulation transfer function in,
in PET, 201–204
in SPECT, 177
intrinsic resolution, 118–119
scatter resolution, 121
Specific activity, 26–27, 306
Specificity of diagnostic tests, 42
Specific ionization, 57, 306
Specific license, 270–271
attenuation correction, 173–175
center of rotation, 175–176
data acquisition, 155–156
factors affecting, 171–176
partial volume effect, 175
performance of SPECT camera,
photon attenuation, 171–175
quality control tests for SPECT
cameras, 178–179
reconstruction of image, 156–169
filtered backprojection, 159–166
iterative reconstruction, 166–169
simple backprojection, 156–158
scattering, 176
sensitivity, 177
spatial resolution, 177
SPECT camera, 153–154
SPECT/CT, 169–171
Spectrum of g-rays, 88–89
ideal, 88–89
actual, 89
Spontaneous discharge in gas
ionization, 74
Spontaneous fission, 11
Spontaneous mutations, 256
Standard deviation, 35
Statistics of counting, 34–41
accuracy, 34
Chi-square test, 39–41
errors, 34
Gaussian distribution, 35–36
minimum detectable activity, 41
percent standard deviation, 36
precision, 34
propagation of errors, 37–39
standard deviation of counts, 35
standard deviation of count rates, 37
Stochastic effects in radiation biology,
Straggling of range, 58
Structure of the nucleus, 6–7
Sublethal damage in radiation biology,
Successive decay of radionuclides,
Surveys of ambient radiation exposure
rate, 287
Survey meters
Cutie pie, 74
Geiger-Müller, 77–79
Survival curves, cell,seeCell survival
System Internationale (SI) unit
becquerel, 26
gray, 209, 306
sievert, 210, 306
Systematic errors, 34
99mTc (Technetium-99m), 48
decay scheme of, 12
exposure rate constant of, 275
generator, 53–54
half-value layer in lead, 67, 304