
(C. Jardin) #1

And that is how I can best help You! I can best help by remembering. Or, as You would put it,
“re-membering.” That is, becoming a member once again of the body of God.

You have truly understood. You have grasped this completely, in its every nuance. Now here
is how you can help God. Live your life deliberately, harmoniously, and beneficially. These
three ways of living you can accomplish by using the gifts I have given you: creative energy,
gentle wisdom, and pure love.

Creative energy has been placed by Me in your entire being, and in everything that proceeds
from it. Thoughts, words, and deeds are the Three Tools of Creation. When you know this,
you can choose to be the cause of your experience, rather than being at the effect of it.

Life proceeds out of your intentions for it. When you are aware of this, you can live your life
deliberately. The things you think, you think deliberately. The things you say, you say
deliberately. The things you do, you do deliberately.

When you do something and people say, “You did that deliberately!” it will not be an
accusation, but a compliment.

Everything you do, you do on purpose—and your purpose in every moment of your life is,
indeed, to live the grandest version of the greatest vision ever you held about Who You Are.
When you use creative energy, you help God be more of what God is, and seeks to
experience of Itself.

Gentle wisdom has been placed by Me in your soul. When you use this gift, you live
harmoniously in any situation. Your very Being is harmony itself.

Harmony means feeling the vibration of the moment, of the person, place, or circumstance
you are now experiencing, and blending with it. Blending does not mean matching. Singing in
harmony does not mean singing in unison. It does mean singing together.

When you sing in harmony, you change the way the entire song is sung. It becomes a new
song, a different song. This is the song of the soul, and there is none more beautiful.

Bring a gentle wisdom to your moments. Watch it change them. Watch it change you.

You have that gentle wisdom within you. I have placed it there, and it has never left you. Call
on it in times of difficulty and stress, in times of decision or enmity, and it will be there. For
when you call on it, you call on Me. When you use gentle wisdom, you help God be more of
what God is, and seeks to experience of Itself.

Pure love has been placed by Me in every human heart.

It is that which I Am, and which You Are. Your heart is filled with this love to overflowing. It is
bursting. Your whole Self is permeated by it. It is composed of it. Pure love is Who You Are.

When you express pure love, you give yourself the direct experience of Who You Are. It is
the greatest gift. It looks as if you are giving a gift to others, and you are giving it to your Self.
That is because there is no one else in the room. It only looks as if there is. Pure love allows
you to see the truth.

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