
(C. Jardin) #1

You call some of these lies “secrets,” yet they are lies nonetheless, for a withholding is a lie,
plain and simple. It is a failure to reveal the whole truth, to let others know all that there is to
know on a subject, so that everyone can make choices based on all the data.
You have said that I am against the breaking of promises and pledges, yet you break your
promises and pledges all the time, and you seek to do so with impunity, using whatever
rationale allows you to justify yourself in the moment.
No, the human race has demonstrated quite clearly that My will, as you have understood and
enunciated it, means nothing.
The interesting thing is that, in the end, this is perfect. Because there are so many
disagreements over what My will is, you would probably do even more killing in My name if
you suddenly became fervent in your beliefs.

I am reminded of that bumper sticker: GOD, SAVE ME FROM YOUR PEOPLE.

Yes, there is some irony in that.
And so, to your question. Is it okay to swat a mosquito? Trap a mouse? Pull a weed?
Slaughter a lamb and eat it? That is for you to decide. All is for you to decide. And there are
larger questions, of course.
Is it okay to kill a person as punishment for killing? Abort a birth? Beat a homosexual? Be a
homosexual? Have sex before marriage? Have sex at all, if you want to be “enlightened”?
And on and on and on...
Each day you must make your decisions. Know only that, in deciding, you are announcing
and demonstrating Who You Are.

Every act is an act of self-definition.

You are getting it. You are understanding.

Because You are repeating it so much.

Repetition is good. It allows integration. So now I will repeat something else I have said
before. In your daily actions and choices, you are not only announcing Who You Are, you are
also deciding Who I Am, because you and I are One.
Thus, in the largest sense, I am answering the question. I am doing it through you. And that
is the only way the question can be answered.

Out of your answer will come your truth. This is the truth of your being. It is what you are
being, in truth.
Remember that you are a human being. What you are being is up to you. Although I have
told this to you now many times, this is something you may not have previously seriously

Okay, okay, but “Oneness” does not mean “equality,” right? Can I at least get that out of

Oneness does not mean sameness, that is correct.

Then what does Oneness mean?

The question is not, What does Oneness mean? The question is, What does Oneness mean
to you?
This is a decision that must be made within each human heart. And out of your decision will
you create your future—or end it.

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