Primal Blueprint Fitness - Crossfit Praha

(Tuis.) #1

For argument’s sake, we could frame Liederman’s
quote in practical terms as follows:

  • 1/2 mile swim

  • 200 yard run, at full sprint speed

  • Ability to jump over waist-high objects

  • 15–20+ pullups

  • 25+ dips

I would add that anyone should be fit enough
to take on a new fun activity without fearing an
injury. In fact, true fitness can best be defined by
the acquiring of a variety of strengths and skills,
a combination of speed, power, agility, endurance
balance, and coordination...all the while enjoy-
ing excellent health. Fitness is no longer simply
a snapshot measure of how much you can bench
press or how fast you can run a marathon. True
fitness is more a question of how many push-ups
you can stop and do in the middle of a 5k run while
carrying a child on your back...while looking fabu-
lous in a skin tight racing suit!

How Fit Should I Really Be? cont’d 20

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