Primal Blueprint Fitness - Crossfit Praha

(Tuis.) #1

How Fit Can I Be?

Ah, that’s a far different question and one with
many nuances. World champion decathletes and
NBA players can be deemed extremely fit over a
fairly wide range of tests (strength, speed, jump-
ing, agility, accuracy, endurance, etc.). It is also
possible to be extremely fit as measured in very
narrow tolerances like racing fast times or lift-
ing heavy weights. We’ve already discussed the
drawbacks of pursuing narrowly focused fitness
goals that require Chronic training and compro-
mise health. I’ll admit that I took some perverse
pleasure in measuring my ability to endure pain
against the rest of the field. But as addictive as the
actual endorphin-fueled competition was, it simply
wasn’t sustainable, nor was it worth the damage I
was doing. I decided I wanted to be very fit across
a broad range of tests. I also wanted to be sick
less often and have more fun in general.

The irony is that today my simple Primal Blueprint
Fitness program endows me with at least 80 per-
cent of the endurance capacity I had when I trained
ten times as long and twice as hard, but it also
gives me more speed, strength, balance, agility,
muscular symmetry (looking good naked, re-
member?), a vastly improved power-to-weight
ratio, and improved immune function, mood,
sleep habits, eating habits, and daily energy
levels...all in a tenth of the time I used to spend
training! As far as I’m concerned it’s no contest.


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