Primal Blueprint Fitness - Crossfit Praha

(Tuis.) #1
Where to Begin: A Self-Assessment cont’d

Ken Korg’s Self-Assessment Example

Ken Korg (he’s turning his life around!) tallies 36
Pushups, 8 Pullups, 65 Full Squats, 10 Dive Bomb-
ers, and 110 seconds on the Forearm/Feet Plank.
This means he will begin PBF LHT doing Incline
Pushups, Reverse Pullups/Chinups, the Jack Knife
Press, Full Squats and the Hand/Feet Plank.

If you have a borderline score (e.g. a score of 32
pushups for a man) consider going lower on the
progression. Starting with a movement you can
handle is the surest way to get stronger and fitter,
and there’s really no rush. You have your entire life
to master these movements. During the assess-
ment, take sufficient breaks between sets to ensure
you are able to give each set your max effort, but
do not take breaks during any single set.


Pushups – 36
Pullups – 8
Full Squats – 65
Dive Bombers – 10
Forearm/Feet Plank – 110 seconds

According to the Self-Assessment chart,
Ken Korg will begin PBF LHT with:

Incline Pushups
Reverse Pullups/Chinups
Full Squats
Jack Knife Press
Hand/Feet Plank

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