Biology and Marine Biology Graduate Student Annual Report
2011-2012 Academic Year
Presentations at scientific meetings:
Rebecka Brasso
Brasso, R.L., Polito M.J., and Emslie, S.D. Pygoscelis penguins as biomonitors of regional
trends of mercury in the Antarctic Peninsula. 10th International Conference on Mercury
as a Global Pollutant, Nova Scotia, Canada, August 2012.
Kalman Bugica
Cahoon, L., Bailey, J., Khan, A., and Bugica, K. Biomass and productivity of surf zone
phytoplankton. Southeastern Phycological Colloquy, October, 2011.
Leigh Anne Harden
Harden, L.A. and Williard, A Biology and conservation of diamondback terrapins in North
Carolina: implications for crab fisheries interactions. Annual North Carolina Sea Turtle
Meeting, March, 2012.
Harden, L.A. and Williard, A. Seasonal ecology of diamondback terrapins in southeastern North
Carolina: implications for interactions with the blue crab fishery. Society for Integrative
and Comparative Biology, January, 2012.
Harden, L.A. and Williard, A. Using a spatially-explicit predator-prey model to investigate
bycatch risk of terrapins in crab pots. North Carolina Herpetological Society Fall Meeting,
November, 2011.
Jennifer Idol
Bryan Wysor, DW Freshwater, N Leon, C Fernández-García, P Gabrielson, V
Charbonneau, C Green, J Idol, and S Parham. Algal Diversity of the Burica
Peninsula, Pacific Panama. 51st Annual Northeast Algal Society Meeting. April
21st, 2012.
Tse-Lynn Loh
Loh, T.-L., Pawlik, J.R. Death by a thousand bites: Top-down processes structure sponge
communities on Caribbean coral reefs. Benthic Ecology Meeting, March 2012.
Loh, T.-L., Pawlik, J.R. When settlement doesn’t settle it: The pitfalls of still-water larval assays.
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, January 2012.
Steve McMurray
McMurray, S.E., Finelli, C.M., and Pawlik, J.R. Demographics of the giant barrel sponge
Xestospongia muta and planktonic carbon flux on coral reefs. Graduate Student
Symposium, April, 2012.