Biology and Marine Biology

(Axel Boer) #1

Emslie, S.D., K. Baumann, and M. van Tuinen. 2011. Late Holocene occupation of Gentoo Penguins
(Pygoscelis papua) at Byers Peninsula, Livingston Island, Antarctica. Polar Biology 34: 283-290.

Winder, V. L. and S. D. Emslie. 2011. Mercury in breeding and wintering Nelson’s Sparrows
(Ammodramus nelsoni). Ecotoxicology 20: 218-225.

Polito, M. J., Heather J. Lynch, Ron Naveen, and Steven D. Emslie. 2011. Stable isotopes reveal regional
heterogeneity in the pre-breeding distribution and diets of sympatrically breeding Pygoscelis penguins.
Marine Ecology Progress Series 421: 265-277.

Verleyen, E., D. Hodgson, K. Sabbe, G. Marshall, H. Cremer, S. Emslie et al. 2011. Post-glacial regional
climate variability along the East Antarctic coastal margin – evidence from shallow marine and coastal
terrestrial records. Earth-Science Reviews 104: 199-212.

Morgan, Gary and S. D. Emslie. 2010. Tropical and western influences in vertebrate faunas
from the Pliocene and Pleistocene of Florida. Quaternary International 217: 143-158.

Subramanian, S., D. R. Denver, C. D. Millar, T. Heupink, A. Aschrafi, S. D. Emslie, C. Baroni, and D. M.
Lambert. 2009. High mitogenomic evolutionary rates and time dependency. Trends in Genetics 25: 482-

Ainley, D., G. Ballard, L. Blight, S. Ackley, S. Emslie, A. Lescroël, S. Olmastroni, S. Townsend, C.
Tynan, P. Wilson, E. Woehler. 2010. Impacts of Cetaceans on the Structure of Southern Ocean Food Webs.
Marine Mammal Science 26: 482-498.

Polito, M. J., S. Fisher, C. Tobias, and S. D. Emslie. 2009. Tissue-specific isotopic discrimination factors

in Gentoo Penguin (Pygoscelis papua) egg components: implications for dietary reconstruction using stable
isotopes. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 372: 106-112.

Emslie, S. D., J. Weske, M. Browne, S. Cameron, R. Boettcher, D. Brinker, and W. Golder. 2009.
Population trends in Royal and Sandwich Terns along the mid-Atlantic seaboard, USA, 1975-2005.
Waterbirds 32: 54-63.

Strickland M. E., M. P. Polito, and S. D. Emslie. 2008. Spatial and seasonal variation in Adélie Penguin

diet as inferred from stable isotope analysis of eggshell. Journal of the North Carolina Academy of Sciences
124: 65-71.

Zavalaga, C., Silvano Benvenuti, Luigi Dall’Antonia, and Steven D. Emslie. 2008. Foraging areas of
breeding blue-footed boobies Sula nebouxii in northern Peru, as determined by direction recorders. Journal
of Avian Biology 39: 405-412.

Liljesthröm, M., S. D. Emslie, and A. Schiavini. 2008. Avian predation at a southern Rockhopper
Penguin colony on Staten Island, Argentina. Polar Biology 31: 465-474.

Ainley, D., G. Ballard, S. Ackley, L. Blight, J. T. Eastman, S. D. Emslie, A. Lescroël, S. Olmastroni, S. E.
Townsend, C. T. Tynan, P. Wilson, and E. Woehler. 2007. Paradigm Lost? Or, is top-down forcing no
longer significant in the Antarctic Marine Ecosystem? Antarctic Science 19: 283-290.

Emslie, S. D. and W. P. Patterson. 2007. Abrupt recent shift in ^13 C and ^15 N values in Adélie Penguin
eggshell in Antarctica. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104: 11666-11669.

Emslie, S. D., L. Coats, and K. Licht. 2007. A 45000-year record of Adélie Penguins and climate change

in the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Geology 35: 61-64.

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