Biology and Marine Biology
axel boer
(Axel Boer)
Coen, L.D., Brumbaugh, R.D., Bushek, D., Grizzle, R. Luckenbach, M.W., Posey, M.H.,
Powers, S.P. and Tolley, S.G.. 2007. Ecosystem services related to oyster restoration.
Marine Ecology Progress Series 341: 303-307.
Hackney, C.T., Avery, G.B. Leonard, L.A., Posey M., and Alphin T. 2007. Biological, chemical,
and physical characteristics of tidal freshwater swamp forests of the lower Cape Fear
River/Estuary , North Carolina, Pages 183-221. In: Conner, W.H., T.W. Doyle, and K.W.
Krauss, eds. Ecology of Tidal Freshwater Forested Wetlands in the Southeastern United
States; Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
GRANTS AND AWARDS: (PI or co-PI on >$10 million in grants and awards since coming to
North Carolina Sea Grant Blue Crab and Shellfish Research Program. 2013-2014. “Identification
of potential interactions between rack and cage shellfish culture and adjacent critical
habitats.” $35,343. (P.I.).
North Carolina Sea Grant Blue Crab and Shellfish Research Program. 2013-2014. “Enhancement
of the North Carolina statewide oysters spat monitoring program”. $17,797. (co-PI)
North Carolina Sea Grant Fisheries Resource Grant Program. 2013-2014. “Development of
Shellfish polyculture techniques in North Carolina”. $17,330. (co-P.I.).
National Science Foundation. 2009-2014. “STAR (Scholarship Team in Action to Recruit)
program.” $898,500. (co-P.I.)
North Carolina Marine Resources Fund, 2012-2014. “Ecosystem function of oyster stabilization
projects: Efficacy and support of local fishery”. $87,501. (co-P.I.)
NOAA Habitat Division. 2012-2013. “Assessment of infauna and sediment characteristics
associated with the Poplar Island, VA marsh restoration project”. $30,000. (co-P.I.)
NOAA National Sea Grant, 2011-2014. “Developing tools for the growth of the shellfish
industry in North Carolina”. $198,837. (co-P.I.)
Dial Cordy and Associates. 2010-2011. “Impacts of Increased Tidal Range and Salinity in the
Cape Fear River Ecosystem Due to Deepening and Widening Wilmington Harbor, North
Carolina”. $144,731 (co-P.I.).
South Carolina Department of Natural resources. 2010. “Student internship at Waddell
Mariculture Center”. $1717. (P.I.)
North Carolina Sea Grant program. 2010-2012. Linking variation in egg quality to hatching
success and larval survival in blue crabs. $9545 (co-P.I.).
North Carolina Sea Grant Program. 2010-2012. “To seed or not to seed: the value of seeding
restored oyster reefs for ecosystem function”. $88,597 + graduate student support. (co-P.I.)
Dial Cordy and Associates. 2009-2010. “Monitoring effects of a potential increased tidal range in
the Cape Fear Ecosystem.” $415,599. (lead P.I.)
North Carolina Sea Grant Program. 2009-2010. “Evaluation of oyster health and sanctuary
function of closed shellfish beds”. $39,358. (co-P.I.).
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (CICEET), 2009-2010,
“Sustainable estuarine shoreline stabilization”. $117,694. (lead P.I.) (part of larger project
administered through NC Department of Natural Resources, $688,478, overall project co-PI)
North Carolina Coastal Federation, 2009-2010. “Restoration of oyster reefs for fisheries, habitat
and erosion control in southeastern NC.” $75,000. (co-P.I.).
North Carolina Sea Grant Program. 2008-2010. Key parameters for assessing beach
functionality. $99,820, (co-P.I.)
North Carolina Sea Grant Program, 2008-2010, “Spatial variation in blue crab distribution in the
New River during spawning season”. $44,278 (co-P.I.)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2008-2009, “Receiving, storage and technician support for
laboratory analyses. $25,912. (co-P.I.)