Microsoft Word - Hinduism formatted.doc

(singke) #1

Buddhism ... the relationship of the three schools to the
feminine gender must be characterized as fugitive,
supportive and destructive respectively. Should our
hypothesis be borne out by the presentation of persuasive
evidence and conclusive argumentation, this would lead to
the verdict that in Tantric Buddhism we are dealing with a
misogynist, destructive, masculine philosophy and religion
which is hostile to life – i.e., the precise opposite of that for
which it is trustingly and magnanimously welcomed in the
West, above all in the figure of the Dalai Lama.”

Victor and Victoria Trimundi The Shadow of the Dalai Lama

Despite taking this strong and hostile position, it is
noteworthy that in their Postscript the Trimundis accept in
principle the positive, life-affirming and revolutionary
potential of a religious and political world view truly
founded on the tantric God-concept of a divine masculine-
feminine pair i.e., on a divine relation rather than a divine
being, masculine or feminine. What they see as the disguised
esoteric goal of ‘Lamaism’ – namely the global establishment
of a traditionally androcentric and misogynistic Tibetan-Buddhist
Theocracy or ‘Buddhocracy’ is at odds with the Dalai
Lama’s own assertion (which they cite) that an ideal
solution to the world’s problems lies in a synthesis of
Buddhism and Marxism – and his critique of the retreat from

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