Microsoft Word - Hinduism formatted.doc

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  1. “Is there any beauty in war? Evil is this law of the
    warrior (Kshatriyadharma)...our law is like lawlessness ...
    It is well-known how the strong treat the weak, with
    contempt and violence ... The peaceful man sleeps easily
    because he has given up both victory and defeat.”

  2. See Angelika Malinar’s The Bhagavadgita, Doctrines and
    Contexts for an excellent and detailed analysis of these
    interpretations from which I have drawn in this essay.

  3. Abhinavagupta’s Commentary on the Bhagavad Gita (Gitarta
    Samgraha) translated from Sanskrit by Boris Marjanovic,
    Indica Books 2002

  4. “‘Monotheism’ and all types of ‘theism’ exist only since
    Judaeo-Christian ‘apologetics’...” Martin Heidegger,
    Contributions to Philosophy

  5. Specifically the Tantric philosophy of ‘Kashmiri
    Shaivism’ as expounded by Acharya Abhinavagupta and
    renewed for today’s world in the form of ‘The Awareness
    Principle’ and ‘The New Yoga’.

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