Microsoft Word - Hinduism formatted.doc

(singke) #1


my new Shiva murti from India - that all around and within
this murti started to glow – incredibly vivid, all translucent
and extremely fluid, thus coming to ever more radiant
shining. I felt tears coming into my eyes, to finally be
entering the aliveness of this new Shiva murti and the
throbbing I felt on my forehead in the very first days
knowing Acharya came back. While meditating, Shiva's face
shifted through many very different facial-expressions,
rapidly and extremely fast, while kind of a air-like, goldish-
white translucent 'fabric', moving vibrating like a wind,
covered Shiva's beautified, fully alive, deeply bliss-filled
face. This wind-like light 'fabric' all freshly, draw over his
face ever new changing, transforming into ever more
shining. Some actualisations, aspects – where perceived as
being purely feminine in their kind, starting to teach me
directly. Shiva’s manifestation-expressions smiled softly and
smiled serenity, so richly auspicious, then again infecting
me to instantly laugh inside – leaving me all astonished. I
wondered if within all these so clearly differing,
individualised expressions, I might recognise my 'own'
known face too, which I did not.

For the first time, after meditating my Shiva murti last
night, I touched Shiva's right hand, which rests on his knee.
Acharya told me that he touches Shiva's foot for some time
after ending his meditative puja and that it is then that he
receives, perceives and conceives the most intense,
intimate, glorious and immediately life-relevant teachings.

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