Textbook of Personalized Medicine - Second Edition [2015]

(Ron) #1

  • Personalized medicine and psychiatry

  • Public attitudes and trends toward genomics

  • Personalized medicine and reimbursement

  • ‘Race’ and medicine in the genomics era

  • To develop and conduct educational programs for stakeholder audiences

  • Serve as clearing house for information

  • Inform and educate the public and the media

  • To facilitate dialogue between industry, government, patients, physicians and
    other stakeholders leading to consensus solutions

Role of Pharmaceutical Industry

The pharmaceutical industry has taken the major initiative in the development of
personalized medicine. Ten of the major pharma companies are profi led in part II of
the report. This interest parallels the applications of knowledge gained from
sequencing the genome in drug development and molecular diagnostics. Use of
pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics in clinical trials sponsored by the phar-
maceutical industry is increasing as described in earlier chapters of this report.

Table 20.2 Members of the personalized medicine coalition
Industry Procognia
Abbott Laboratories Qiagen
Affymetrix Siemens
Amgen Theranos
AstraZeneca Industry & Consumer Policy
Cogenics/Clinical Data American Clinical Labs Association
DNA PrintGenomics Biotechnology Industry Organization
Exagen Diagnostics Genetic Alliance
Feinstein Kean Healthcare PEW Genetics & Public Policy Center
Gene Logic

Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers
of America
Genomas Agency Partners
Genomic Health Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Genzyme Inc Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services
IBM Life Sciences Inc National Cancer Institute
Millennium Pharmaceuticals National Human Genome Research Institute
Monogram Biosciences FDA
Pathway Diagnostics Academia
Perlegen Sciences Duke Univeristy (Durham, NC)
Pfi zer George Washington University (Washington, DC)
Princeton Group Harvard Medical School-Partners (Boston, MA)
Healthcare Center for Genetics and Genomics

Role of Pharmaceutical Industry

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