Analytical Chemistry
Figure 13.1(a) A local area network (LAN) linking the components of an analytical laboratory. μC = microcomputers. (After Anal. ...
Figure 13.1(b) Diagrams of the LMS 1100 laboratory information management system (LIMS). (After Harder and Koski, Am. Lab., 15 ( ...
be purchased as customized commercial software packages or developed by a company's 'in-house' programmers. Privileged access to ...
Figure 13.2 Expert system for separation sciences. puters are designed to handle 8, 12, 16, 24, etc., groups of bits at a time, ...
size of the main store or RAM is usually quoted in terms of the number of words which can be accommodated simultaneously, as thi ...
dard, and this, together with clock speeds of up to 750 MHz, results in a faster computing capability. Their memory size (above) ...
Figure 13.3 Layout of a typical microprocessor system. ...
13.3— Instrument Computer Interfaces The purpose of interfacing instruments with computers is to enable raw analytical data to b ...
one second, needs to be at a frequency of several megahertz. Thus, the conversion speed of an ADC, which is defined as the time ...
communications between computers and various I/O devices (peripherals) such as electric typewriters, printers, plotters and VDUs ...
Figure 13.4 A typical arrangement for interfacing a microprocessor system to laboratory instruments. ...
Figure 13.5 (a) Schematic diagram of a microprocessor-controlled liquid chromatograph. (b) In-line microprocessor-controlled ato ...
Figure 13.6 Simplified block diagram of a microprocessor-controlled potentiometric titrator. Sets of parameters such as burette ...
(2)— An Infrared Spectrometer Interfaced to a Dedicated Microcomputer The microcomputer should incorporate a VDU and have high-d ...
quantitative analysis are the main computational requirements of a computing integrator. The sensing of the beginnings and endin ...
the start of a chromatographic run with the computer's own time-base to facilitate the recording of retention times are both ess ...
(4)— A Microcomputer-based X-ray or γγ-ray Spectrometer Modern X-ray and γ-ray spectrometers frequently employ semiconductor det ...
An indication of the flexibility imparted by computer control of such a spectrometer is given in the following list of typical f ...
Figure 13.8 Arrangement of hardware for a microcomputer-based X-ray or γ-ray spectrometer. ...
The principal hardware required to provide these facilities is shown in Figure 13.8. Further Reading Analysis-82, Microcomputers ...
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