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Table 13.7Results of two-way ANOVA for 1-propanol content in wines resulting from the fer-
mentation of a same must with or without skins and in the presence or absence of sulfur dioxide
(SO 2 ). ANOVA table:
Degrees of Sums of Mean square
Source of variation: freedom (df) Squares (SS) (MSS) F-values P-Values
SO 2 (Factor A) 1 41.95 41.95 7.007 0.057157
Skins (Factor B) 1 1011.15 1011.15 168.882 0. 000202 ∗
SO 2 ∗Skins (Interaction) 1 1.14 1.14 0.190 0.685095
Error 4 23.95 5.99
Total 7 1078.19
∗The skins factor has a significant influence (P<0.05)
Table 13.8Means and standard error values for 1-propanol content in wines:
SO 2 (A) Skins (B) Mean Std. Err. 95% Confidence interval N
Without Without 38.60 0.10 37.33 39.87 2
Without With 61.84 0.46 56.00 67.68 2
With Without 34.78 3.36 –7.85 77.40 2
With With 56.50 0.71 47.55 65.46 2
Table 13.9S-N-K test for comparison of means values for 1-propanol content in wines according
to skins’ factor:
Homogenous Groups
(α= 0 .05):
Skins Mean 1 2
Without 36.68750 ∗∗∗∗
With 59.17250 ∗∗∗∗
Fcal^2 <F 1 −α,(b−1),ab(m−1)or,PB>α,thenH 03 is accepted, factor B does not influence
the analyzed variable. When the interaction exists, the influence of one of the factors
will depend on the levels of another factor. Example of Application of Two-Way ANOVA
Tables 13.5 to 13.9 show the results of applying two-way ANOVA to the 1-propanol
content in wines resulting from fermentation of the same must with or without
skins and in the presence or absence of sulfur dioxide, that corresponds to a 2^2
factorial design (Herraiz et al. 1990; Mart ́ın-Alvarez et al. 2006), obtained with the ́
STATISTICA program (Factorial ANOVAprocedure, in theANOVAmodule). They
include the two-way ANOVA table (only the skins factor has a significant influence
at the 95% confidence level,P<0.05), the mean and the standard error values
of 1-propanol content for each combination of levels of factors (greater values in
wines elaborated with the addition of skins), and the results of the S-N-K test for
comparison of means of the skins’ factor. Figure 13.2 shows plots of the means of
1-propanol content for each level of factors.