Techlife News - USA (2021-12-25)

(Antfer) #1

iOS perhaps offers the most unique elements,
such as the flashlight icon that switches on and
off, and the way Apple Card will change color
based on spending habits inside of the Wallet
app. Indeed, as teased by Apple ahead of the
release of the card in 2019, the digital version
changes color every so often to match your
spending habits. If you spend a lot on food and
drink on your Apple Card, for instance, then
your virtual wallet will likely show an Apple
Card that’s more orange. It’s a small, arguably
unnecessary design element, but it enhances
the overall user experience and makes the
Apple Card feel alive like it’s working and
updating just for you. And with the company
reportedly working on a new family version of
its Apple Card, the gradient color changes
will no doubt become even more beneficial.

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