A Short History of the United States
276 a short history of the united states By this time opposition to the war had begun to mount. Students in colleges and univers ...
10 Violence, Scandal, and the End of the Cold War V iolence had become a way of life. City streets regularly erupted in violence ...
278 a short history of the united states he did it privately. Now he came out publicly and declared that the war could not be wo ...
Violence, Scandal, and the End of the Cold War 279 Security forces, a barbed-wire fence, and checkpoints ringed the Inter- natio ...
280 a short history of the united states the negotiations in Paris. By this time it was estimated that millions had taken part i ...
Violence, Scandal, and the End of the Cold War 281 But the President scored an important breakthrough in foreign af- fairs when, ...
282 a short history of the united states every state but Massachusetts and the District of Columbia, for a total of 520 electora ...
Violence, Scandal, and the End of the Cold War 283 Since the Tw e n t y -fifth Amendment to the Constitution provided that the P ...
284 a short history of the united states his legal counsel, and Attorney General Richard Kleindienst, who was replaced by the se ...
Violence, Scandal, and the End of the Cold War 285 20 , 1973. A Texan trial lawyer, Leon Jaworski, was then appointed spe- cial ...
286 a short history of the united states personally and through his subordinates... to delay, impede, and ob- struct” the Waterg ...
Violence, Scandal, and the End of the Cold War 287 A month later, on September 8 , 1974 , to the shock and anger of many, Ford g ...
288 a short history of the united states Republicans in both the midterm election of 1974 and the presidential election of 1976. ...
Violence, Scandal, and the End of the Cold War 289 rather than being driven. Apparently he wanted to convey a more populist imag ...
290 a short history of the united states To make matters worse for the Carter administration, a “sting” operation conducted by t ...
Violence, Scandal, and the End of the Cold War 291 Carter invited Sadat and Begin to Camp David in September 1978 and worked out ...
292 a short history of the united states term as President. He was challenged by Senator Edward M. (Ted) Kennedy of Massachusett ...
Violence, Scandal, and the End of the Cold War 293 alliance, especially on issues like taxation and big government, the tone and ...
294 a short history of the united states It did not take long for the Democratic leadership to be overwhelmed by the deft politi ...
Violence, Scandal, and the End of the Cold War 295 end to the excessive growth in government bureaucracy and govern- ment spendi ...
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