deg or ° degree
dg decigram
dil dilute
dr dilute
E electric tension: electromotive force
e.g. for example
emf electromotive force
esu electrostatic unit
etc. and so forth
et seq. and the following
eV electronvolt
°F Fahrenheit
F Frictional loss
f or ν frequency
ft foot
ft^2 square foot
ft^3 cubic foot
ft⋅c foot-candle
ft⋅lb foot-pound
g acceleration due to gravity
g gram
g:cal gram-calorie
gal gallon
gr grain
h Planck’s constant
h hour
hp horsepower
hp⋅h horsepower-hour
hyg hygroscopic
Hz hertz (formerly cycles per second, cps)
I electric current
ZAI symbol for isotope with atomic number Zand atomic number A
ibid. in the same place
Part V: Appendixes
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