Cliffs AP Chemistry, 3rd Edition

(singke) #1
i.e. that is
in inch
in^2 square inch
in^3 cubic inch
insol insoluble
iso isotropic
J joule; mechanical equivalent of heat
k kilo (1000)
K Kelvin
kc kilocycle
kcal kilogram-calorie
kg kilogram
kW kilowatt
kWh kilowatt-hour
L liter
l lumen
l length
λ lambda; wavelength, coefficient of linear expansion
lb pound
lb/ft^3 pound per cubic foot
ln natural logarithm
log logarithm
M molecular weight; mass
M molar, as 1 M
m meter
m^2 square meter
m^3 cubic meter
μ micro-(10–6)
μm micrometer (micron)
meq milliequivalent
MeV million (or mega-) electronvolt
mg milligram
min minute

Appendix A: Commonly Used Abbreviations, Signs, and Symbols

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