Physical Chemistry of Foods
adsorbed. Apart from this phenomenon, high surface loads can be obtained by adsorption of protein aggregates (e.g., casein micel ...
activity, likeas1-casein andb-casein, can displace each other within about 15 min when the one is present at the surface of emul ...
it is fairly clear from Figure 10.14 that casein molecules expand much more at the A–W interface than lysozyme does. It is, howe ...
10.3.3 Mixtures In this section mixtures of amphiphiles and proteins are considered. As seen in Figure 10.13, an amphiphile tend ...
amphiphile (SDS); for b-lactoglobulin and SDS similar results were obtained. At high amphiphile concentration the protein is ind ...
solutioncand a final surface excessG?, the amount of surfactant needed to give an adsorbed monolayer could be provided by a laye ...
very small, and it can significantly speed up adsorption. During such processes as foam and emulsion formation, very intensive c ...
globular proteins; presumably, the changes in surface area covered per molecule are smaller but take a longer time. It should fu ...
interface then compensates for its dilution by expansion of the surface. Moreover, the conformation of macromolecular surfactant ...
(apparent) equilibrium values ofg, i.e., after no further change ing is observed. At far shorter time scales the relation betwee ...
conformation changes of globular proteins upon adsorption may be to some extent irreversible. Consequently, g, G, and surface co ...
Question An emulsion technologist wishes to compare two commercial water-soluble small- molecule surfactant preparations, A and ...
the sphere provides a force that is equal and opposite to the force caused by the surface tension. Hence, the relationpL¼ 2 g/R. ...
is at maximum, i.e., the radius of the tangent circle is at minimum. This is the first principal radius of curvature R 1. R 2 is ...
Similarly, a fluid body with a closed surface on which no net external forces act will always adopt a spherical shape. This was ...
is well cleaned). This is shown in Figure 10.22a. If the diameter of the tube is not more than a few mm, the meniscus in the tub ...
explained in the figure. The equality gives for the height of the column h¼ 2 g rrg ð 10 : 8 Þ Forr¼0.5 mm,g¼72 mN?m^1 ,r¼ 103 ...
applicability of the Kelvin equation; these will be discussed in Sections 13.6 and 14.2. Some examples are given in Table 10.4, ...
regions would immediately dissolve again. Nucleation is discussed in Chapter 14. Ostwald ripening. Consider two water droplets o ...
surface often is heterogeneous. Nevertheless the uptake of water from the air can occur even if the solid matter itself cannot d ...
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