Appendix I
Thermodynamic and Physical
Properties of Water and Ice
Properties at 273.15 K and 100 kPa
Enthalpy of fusion DL?SH ¼ 6012 J?mol^1
¼ 334 kJ?kg^1
Entropy of fusion DL?SS ¼22.01 J?mol^1 ?K^1
Expansion upon solidification DL?SV ¼90.6 ml?kg^1
(Enthalpy of sublimation ¼50.9 kJ?mol^1 )
Specific heat, water cp ¼ 4218 J?kg^1 ?K^1
ice cp ¼ 2101 J?kg^1 ?K^1
Thermal conductivity, water l ¼0.56 W?m^1 ?K^1
ice l ¼2.24 W?m^1 ?K^1
Thermal diffusivity, water DH ¼1.3 610 ^7 m^2 ?s^1
ice DH ¼11.7 610 ^7 m^2 ?s^1
Volume compressibility,awater ¼5.0 610 ^10 Pa^1
ice ¼1.2 610 ^10 Pa^1
Dielectric constant, water e ¼87,9
ice e & 90
Refractive index,bwater n ¼1.3346
ice n ¼1.3104
Hamaker constantcice/water A11(3) ¼0.043 kBT
bAt wavelength¼589 nm.
cCalculated from Lifshits theory.