Hydraulic Structures: Fourth Edition

(Amelia) #1



Nd3/0.05554.5, say 55.

The relative rate of head loss, cut-off and alluviumk/kcut-off


Thus,ndin cut-off zone, nd 20 nd(16.5 nd)55. Therefore nd2.02,
say 2. However, the flownet mesh dimension on the transform scale3m,
6 m on the natural scale, and hence the cut-off thickness, t 2  6 12 m.

EHh/H,H    2  20 H/Nd 40/20Nd.


h 40 20/5514.5 m and EH14.5/2073%.

  1. H h5.5 m head loss in the alluvium. The seepage path in
    alluvium 116 20 t84 m. Therefore i5.5/84 and the upstream
    head loss(485.5)/843.1 m; the downstream head loss2.4 m;
    hence the hydraulic grade line in Fig. 2.11, and porewater pressure at
    X 9.3 m head.

Worked Example 2.2
The profile of a zoned earthfill embankment founded on impervious clay is
illustrated in Fig. 2.12, and steady-state piezometric levels recorded within
the embankment are indicated.

Measured seepage at the V-notch, q0.1 m^3 day^1 per m length. The core
zone consists of soil A. The shoulders are of soil B downstream and coarse
rockfill upstream. The drains are of fine gravel.

  1. Interpret the piezometric levels and construct a flownet representat-
    ive of the steady-state seepage régime.

  2. From the flownet estimate the effective permeability k, of soil A
    and the head efficiency, EHof the core.


  1. See the flownet in Fig. 2.12, noting (1) the interpretation of zone

0.5 10 5

2.5 10 7
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