SolidWorks 2010 Bible

(Martin Jones) #1

Part I: SolidWorks Basics

l Shaded with Edges. The model is displayed with shading, and edges are shown using
HLR. Edges can either be all a single color that you set in Tools ➪ Options ➪ Colors
(typically black), or they can match the shaded color of the part. Tools ➪ Options ➪
Document Properties ➪ Colors is where you find the document specific setting to use the
same color for shaded and wireframe display, which becomes very useful in an assembly
when all the parts shown in wireframe are the same color as they are when they are
shaded, instead of all being black.

l^ Shaded. The model is displayed with shading, and edges are not shown.

l^ Shadows in Shaded Mode. When the model is displayed shaded, a shadow displays
“under” the part. Regardless of how you rotate the model, when Shadows are initially
turned on, the shadow always starts out parallel to the standard plane that is closest to
the bottom of the monitor. As you rotate the model, the shadow moves with it. If Shadows
are turned off and then on again, they again display parallel to the standard plane that is
closest to the bottom of the monitor.

l^ Section View. Sections the display of the model. Figure 5.7 shows the Section View
command at work. You can use up to three section planes at once. Solid and surface
models as well as assemblies can be sectioned. You can use the spin boxes, enter numbers
manually, or drag the arrows that are attached to the section planes to move the section
through the model. Section planes can also be rotated by dragging the border of the plane.

The Section View tool
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