Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1


The Qur'an
The Meaning of the Glorious Qur'an (A translation by
Muhammad Pickthall), 1930.
The Hadith Collections of Imam al-Bukhari
and Imam Muslim.
AI-Muwatta' of Imam Malik, (translated by ,A'isha
,Abdarahman at-Tarjumana and Ya'qub Johnson), 1982.
The Bible (King James and New International Versions).

,Abdal-Qadir as-Sufi, The Way ofMuhammad,
Diwan Press, 1975.
Allegro, The Dead Sea Serolls.
Allen, P.S., Erasmi Epistolai, 1834 Edn.
Aiton, Religious Opinions of Milton, Locke, and Newton,
Anderson, Norman, The World's Religions, 1975.
Apuleius, Lucius, Metamorphosis -TheGolden Ass, (trans­
lated by T. Taylor), 1822.

Backwell, R.H., The Christianity ofJesus, 1972.

Bainton, R.H., The Hunted Heretie, 1953.

Beattie, The New Theology and the Old, 1910.

Becker, The Dead Sea Serolls.

Begin, Menachem, The Revolt. The Story of the Irgun.

(translated by Samuel Karr).
Belloc, J.H.D., An Open Letter on the Deeay ofFaith, 1906.
Biddle, John, True OpinionConcerning the Holy Trinity
(Twelve Arguments), 1653.
Bigg, The Origin ofChristianity, 1909.
Blackney, E.H., The Problems of Higher Criticism, 1905.
Brown, David, The Structure of the Apocalypse, 1891.
Brown, W.E., The Revision of the Prayer Book -A Criticism,
Bruce, Frederick, Jesus and Christian Origins Outside the
New Testament, 1974.
Bruce, F.F., The New Testament Documents, 1943.
Bruce, F.F., TheBooksand the Parehments, 1950.
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